A silly bank holiday weekend was had. On Saturday I went to a cheesy studenty night because it was my flatmate's birthday and I didn't want to be a spoil-sport. They were saying stuff like 'I know it's not your scene but...'
Tsk, I don't have a 'scene,' if they saw me at Missing on Sunday night I think they'd have been very confused!
That involved glowstick dancing to hardcore and consequently not sleeping til Monday night
Luckily CaptainJonny let me come round for cuddles and a curry, and repeatedly sent me into giggling fits, he's hilarious!
But now I have a cold...sniff!
Tsk, I don't have a 'scene,' if they saw me at Missing on Sunday night I think they'd have been very confused!
That involved glowstick dancing to hardcore and consequently not sleeping til Monday night

But now I have a cold...sniff!
Yes, I am a hoot!
