Frogs and toads
May understand
That country roads
And city land
Are diff'rent stages
'pon which to act
Out outrageous

But, as for tact
And understanding,
That comes later.
Read the ending
Where the alligator
Devours them both.
'tis only then
That those uncouth
And spineless men
Can see the truth.

It was only rude because I get SICK of being accused of being a fuckin' heartbreaker is why!
I like how abstract that poem was to make such a profound statement.
As for my need for oils I don't have any so basic colors like white, red, blue, and yellow, and black are much in need, any other colors like green or purple just kick ass. You could send a package to sg headquarters though it may be till middle of next month till I get down there. But I will definatle pick them up if you e-mail me and confirm. Youd rock so hard that they'd need diamonds to whip you into shape.
tehehe ya!
Tonight was good. I opted for the perfectly color coordinated outfit, rather than drag. I spent the wee hours tweaking songs and drinking the rest of my gin.

A list of gin drinkers:

Edmund Wilson
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Dorothy Parker
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Zelda Fitzgerald
Cole Porter

... All taken from my reading, but I'm sure there are more.

I want a long...
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no doubt! a product you are. You're well 'produced' western man Bourbon over whisky myself
What's this about a crush? No one has a crush on me! Lol... it just cannot be! smile

Carry on, I'm massively amused and chagrined both by this repartee of wellman and Jam. I'll Mossberg anyone if necessary, like a good umpire...
I had a wonderful night tonight, for a change. My friends' band, "The Watt Tylers," played tonight before the John Waters film, "Girl Trouble," and they were awesome, in naughty costumes and everything. They asked me to join them tomorrow night, for their last performance, so I'm going to break out all the old drag regalia for the show. The question is: nair or no...
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...and more gin. I have to move before August the first, to Chicago. My bandmates will have to follow, I suppose, because they aren't moving until September or November. Louts! But I love them.

Dia, I have a continuous desire to have everything work out well for you. Things have a habit of being unpredictable, but I hope the randomness of life's pokings and proddings works in your favor.

thanks honey... it keeps getting weirder... I want sanctuary....
So. Dia is the only woman I've talked to in years who has understood anything that I've said.

I can deal with that.

I pretty much knew that I'd be alone, from a young age (11 years old or so), so whatever. Women, for the most part, don't read anything at all, and if they read literature, then WOW.

I live in the Midwest, where...
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Tha classics are the foundation of modern writers, who often employ magical realism, which I like, personally... but you cannoy argue with Poe, et al.

Why I love Literature Majors.... they're smart. And you don't have to go to school, per se, to understand the beauty and simplicity OR complexity of a piece of truly scrumptious writer. Faulkner, Sanctuary... magical realism, but done well. I thought. Did you reread Lolita? I'm finally reading Catcher in the Rye, which I'd never read, yeesh... life really does get in the way of living sometimes.

So, where's the obligatory photo? We had to get naked, all you gotta do is flash us your mug! It's only fair.
I should get around to the photo thing. One of my friends has a digital camera hooked up to his *watchamacallit*, his mainframe, or whatever, and I should be able to submit something sooner or later. I'm neither incredibly good looking or horribly ugly if that helps. One can tell alot from a photo, though, I suppose.
Damnit! Well, now I know what you've all been talking about. Was logged off mid-opus.


Dia: Definitely not obnoxious. Overwhelming, perhaps. smile You remain un-pegged, and I am no collector.

I like your post, re: "Lolita," and I'm going to re-read both.

You know, I think you rock too. As for myself, I don't really know what to say. An aspiring songwriter, I suppose.

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dia's not obnoxious at all! she's a sweety pie.

and no, i'm not saying this because she's got a 10 inch spiked heel pressed into my neck.
Yes, Dia is wonderful. There is no doubt about that, in we, the happy male consumers. Ha ha. Though, I hope she is okay, as I believe that she is a real person. Hell, it's good for ME to think she's real, so why shouldn't I?
An incrediblystupid night. Sometimes one does all the "wrong" things, in order not to get laid, (or at least make out with someone.) Whatever. It's no big deal, and rejection is something of a staple in my diet. She said no, and I was barely dissapointed. I listened to a female friend complain about her Portland boyfriend, (who is, indeed, a tool and a mooch),...
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Now I've NOT read Pale Fire. Nor do I own it. Add to list.
Three days before my birthday, I'lll be playing a show at a local park. The show is july 7th. I have two new songs, which are embryonic at this point, but should be ready soon enough, God, I hate playing shows. I guess it's necessary. Today I successfully recorded a song, and made some headway into a second. It was about six or seven hours...
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I've had a mostly wonderful night. Some of my friends and I went to the missouri river, and built a fire, watched the fireflies which are especially abundant this year.
Hi-fucking-larious. Life, I mean. Well, first of all, the girls love me. The girls here in real life, but they won't, of course, deign to sleep with me or anything like that. I've heard that I "drink too much." Good god! Since when was that such a big deal? It's not like I can't fucking afford it! I'm not crashing at my girlfriend's apartment like...
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My female friends here in real life are all so gorgeous... but I can't look at them nude. I've talked to them about sucide girls, and they all seem to think it's cool. Hopefully they'll either subscribe or check it out. They would all be wonderful models, at least most of them, and I tell them that they're beautiful, but they all have boyfriends. Whatever.
Hey, just because they have boyfriends doesn't preclude being an SG. Quite a few of the sets were undoubtedly shot by a BF. wink

I wish more people of our generation were aware of the majesty of Nilson, but I guess it's also kinda nice to have him as somewhat of a secret.
The coconut song is holographic. I'm on a beach and she has a tummyache, and luminous coctail ingredients are swimming in the air around us. Man, I have to go listen to that right now.