Live from room #29- Me.
Peace and quiet at last. Peace and quiet and whiskey at last. I don't even like HST very much, but this is what must happen to people once in a while. I think I'll take a road trip soon. The words aren't coming, they want to leave me alone. Ah, well. My surroundings are anything but inspiring. Or I'm too dejected to notice. The wood paneling, circa 1968 or thereabouts, is nice. Tiny caramel spiders in cotton candy webs. Yellow lace curtains. Good 'ol Gideon.
Peace and quiet at last. Peace and quiet and whiskey at last. I don't even like HST very much, but this is what must happen to people once in a while. I think I'll take a road trip soon. The words aren't coming, they want to leave me alone. Ah, well. My surroundings are anything but inspiring. Or I'm too dejected to notice. The wood paneling, circa 1968 or thereabouts, is nice. Tiny caramel spiders in cotton candy webs. Yellow lace curtains. Good 'ol Gideon.
i haven't done a damn thing today except play army video games. pathetic.