I'm back home now. and thanks to those bored few who lent me a line. The east coast is wonderful, and it has perverted me.
Hello! I'm in Charleston, VA now, and staying with a friend. He's a student here, and it's a beautiful university. Edgar Poe studied here, and you can still see his dorm room. It has a cheesy stuffed crow in it. Oh, I forgot... a raven. Anyway. As much as I love Poe, this is still just a ridiculous state university. Lovely, though. I'll be back...
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i just watched the Simpson's Treehouse of Horror episode with "The Raven" in it... funny coincidence...
wild. like the photo though
Well. Things are looking up. I'm looking for both a job and an apartment in Brooklyn, and have some decent leads. Met a woman today who is a musician, who has similar tastes. She wants to play music sometime- she's down to earth, too! None of this rockstar bullshit.
hey Wellman. don't know of any shows now, but I'm sure it won't be long... watch this space! best of luck with the home and work!
Just lost a long post.

Anyway, I'm in NYC and I don't want to leave. Unfortunately, it's incredibly expensive, and I'm almost unemployable. I'm gonna go apartment hunting in Providence, RI. It's only a couple hours away.

Dear diary: I am curenttly having the most absurd experience.
A thimble-sizzed "rusty nail" - $8. + tip..
Music-- bad. Decor- cheap. Bar- sportsbar.
i have landed in the most middlebrow (it is a mere sinewave of xy coordinates splashed across some imaginary face, that is invisible and more or less nonexsistant. c.f. Latoya Jackson.) establishments imaginable.
Burt Bacharach+Dionne Warwick=heaven.

So, sorry for all the limericks. I've been cured. So much to do tomorrow! I'm moving out of my lovely motel room, so I'll no longer live in the traveling sixities (this place hasn't been updated since... should be a museum). And I'm going on a float trip down the river with my friend Kim on Tuesday, after staying in a rustic...
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I HTML you.
Surrealist Folk Song FAQ-

Q-Where have all the flowers gone? A-They're blue and mewing like kittens.

Q-Who will shoe your pretty little feet? A-She usually walks on her hands, anyway.

In order to learn where his ex went,
A sailor made use of his sextant.
He sailed far and wide,
But oh how he cried
When he learned she was no longer...
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The Saint Louis Post-Dispatch
Says that a hairpiece should match,
But my brand new toupee
Is frightfully gray
Compared to my bright red moustache.
And though I dress myself in trash, in-
Stead of the trappings of fashion,
It doesn't bug me
That I might seem ugly,
For I'm full of masculine passion.

Hope. Amnesia. ? No, I mean "?".

Bow? (Scooby Doo).

ANYway, I can't finish the Thursday 'Times' crossword. About six blanks remain. So I'm dumb, so what? In other news, Burt Bacharach. In OTHER, other news, Randy Newman.
Tom Jones' rendition of "What's New, Pussycat?"

Not much is new. S.T. Joshi's article in the new "Weird Tales" concerning Algernon Blackwood was mildly interesting.

I still...
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I am going to drive a very long way very soon. Eastward, I hope. Providence, RI?
Live from room #29- Me.

Peace and quiet at last. Peace and quiet and whiskey at last. I don't even like HST very much, but this is what must happen to people once in a while. I think I'll take a road trip soon. The words aren't coming, they want to leave me alone. Ah, well. My surroundings are anything but inspiring. Or I'm too...
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i haven't done a damn thing today except play army video games. pathetic.
I'm now staying at the "Arrow Head" motel. It's a pretty nasty little place. My neighbors are a Hispanic family who yell at each other all day. I should be in Chicago within the month, if the bandmates ever get their acts together.
You are staying at the "Arrow Head" motel. Did you get anything accomplished last night? Sorry I fell asleep.
Not much. As always, a few embryonic songs are beginning to kick at my synapses. "As Time Goes By, Tra La La" is one of them. I'm falling in love with nonsense syllables.
Frogs and toads
May understand
That country roads
And city land
Are diff'rent stages
'pon which to act
Out outrageous

But, as for tact
And understanding,
That comes later.
Read the ending
Where the alligator
Devours them both.
'tis only then
That those uncouth
And spineless men
Can see the truth.

It was only rude because I get SICK of being accused of being a fuckin' heartbreaker is why!
I like how abstract that poem was to make such a profound statement.
As for my need for oils I don't have any so basic colors like white, red, blue, and yellow, and black are much in need, any other colors like green or purple just kick ass. You could send a package to sg headquarters though it may be till middle of next month till I get down there. But I will definatle pick them up if you e-mail me and confirm. Youd rock so hard that they'd need diamonds to whip you into shape.
tehehe ya!
Tonight was good. I opted for the perfectly color coordinated outfit, rather than drag. I spent the wee hours tweaking songs and drinking the rest of my gin.

A list of gin drinkers:

Edmund Wilson
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Dorothy Parker
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Zelda Fitzgerald
Cole Porter

... All taken from my reading, but I'm sure there are more.

I want a long...
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no doubt! a product you are. You're well 'produced' western man Bourbon over whisky myself
What's this about a crush? No one has a crush on me! Lol... it just cannot be! smile

Carry on, I'm massively amused and chagrined both by this repartee of wellman and Jam. I'll Mossberg anyone if necessary, like a good umpire...