it's weird how things just keep changing....i know i'm 27 and should be used to the idea by now...but it still kinda weirds me out...ya minute we're just rolling through life and things are groovy as fuck....and then...they're not.......not that things are super crappy right's just that this last summer was so great...i was living my fantasy, for the most and my sweetie...pretty much doing whatever we want...biking around...'splorin' new things...having fun lil' adventures...and now things have changed. hair school is alot of fun...but what i think it comes down to is...i don't want a career....i don't want a job....and it sure isn't because i want "some rich guy to come along and 'take care of me'" those are just the things that our fucked up society says i should want....ever since i was a kid i always said if i had one wish it would be happy...TO BE HAPPY...that's it....that aint money...that's for sure....society has just made sure that your life is gonna be alot harder without it...i just want to be free....just me and my jacob...together...doing whatever the fuck we feel like....has anyone else ever noticed that most of the people in this country are wasting thier lives away working some job they hate to try and buy things that they think will make them happy, but don't really have time to enjoy anyways cause they spend all thier time at work....what is going on???
Happiness and being happy come as part of the accomplishment at least for me. But there is definitely another part of me that this "want to be happy" thoughts are just the luxuries we have of living in a wealthy society. Those who struggle just to eat and live don't worry so much about being happy.
I think you guys got it good... appreciate what you have, finish your school, then run away somewhere and do something else if you wish. You will always have the skill to fall back on.
good luck darling...