's been awhile since i've been hungover....i don't miss it....and of course all i want is to be asleep....and can' was a pretty fun night...but was it worth it????? so...i bid on a prince ticket on ebay....$50...i'm not really sure how i am going to pay for it....well, i can't really think of anything else to write about....soooooo i guess i'll go lay down and get my snuggle on...............
you wernt acting like a drunkin fool I had alot of fun hanging with the two of you we should do it more often but were all broke asses

We just need to go out more and drink less. Or at least not drink as much when we go out. Sinferno and Hive in one night is actually a good combo if ya ask me. And ya cant beat $6 bucks a piece for that on a Sunday night. Well I think Im gonna do the same "...go lay down and get my snuggle on..." P.S. That was a lovely mood you were in today with the after shower luvin.