Hey everyone. Good to see some of you folks this weekend. We didnt make it out to Six Flags because weinerdog got his back worked on. It has been pretty sore. Check it out....
Showed up to the after party tho. Here are some of the pics.
BValentine is fixing her tit, and the boys are being gay (and then pretending that it was gross, but you know they secretly like it)
Met Doxie for the first time, and shot the shit with Photorico. I told him to look sexy and part his legs for this shot.
Why does he have that funny look, you ask? Bec he's shittin his pants as usual. Little fucker!
My friend Nancy came, and she wore her Jesus bling.
Here we are being blasphemus on Holy Saturday.
Im am going to post the rest of my pics under TXDFW if you wanna see em.

Showed up to the after party tho. Here are some of the pics.

Met Doxie for the first time, and shot the shit with Photorico. I told him to look sexy and part his legs for this shot.

My friend Nancy came, and she wore her Jesus bling.

Im am going to post the rest of my pics under TXDFW if you wanna see em.
I'm Nick James Bitch! Sorry, I get carried away.
I passed out asleep, I was fucking tired.