went to the dentist yesterday, i got a crown done. ouch! the novacaine shortly wore off and boy did i get one mother fucker of a headache. me andlittlecooter went to the old place to clean and stuff, then did the nasty and i had to go to bed. i woke up at 1 and she had got called in to work. i woke and rushed to work with that same mother fucker of a headache. so i called my dentist to get some good pills (for some reason every time i ask a dr. for somthing for my pain they don't want to help a nigga out. i don't staight up ask em either i don't think i have junkie on my forehead or anything) and guess what he said, NO! good thing i scored a bunch of vic's the other day.
so thank you dr. asshole thats ok i can take care of myself
so thank you dr. asshole thats ok i can take care of myself
here this will make u feel better...........