ahhhh, so xmas is over for me littlecooter is at work and now im bored as hell. it was not as bad as i was dreading didn't get to see my sister who abandon her two kids (that sucks) but i got to see the kids and my brother-in-law. he seemed to be holding up but you could tell he was a wreak. between his wife leaving and taking care of two kids and workin i would prob be a timebomb. i gotta say this though watchin what my sis left behind made me sad. two cute little kids one six months the other allmost two and a man who loves them dearly i develloped a new respect for him and all single parents (i think i have a few on my friends list) it happens to women more than men (hell look at me my dad didn't have alot to do with me till later in my life) but i know it's gotta be hard.
so im off till tues. and then im off on another long weekend be off the antibiotics then so its drinkin time
hope everyone had a great x mas
so im off till tues. and then im off on another long weekend be off the antibiotics then so its drinkin time
hope everyone had a great x mas

Yes, drinking in time for the new year!