Wow it's been a month since my last blog where has time gone. While I shall tell you, where to start. Well first off most off my time has been towards work and moving. Yes moving I have moved a total of 4 times in the past 4 months twice in one month so needless to say I'm so tired of moving. Im glad to say that I shouldn't have to being moving any time soon or at least in the next few months. I think I have become a professional mover. I started a new job at the end of January and it has been good so far. My computer had a major virus on it so that's another reason I haven't been on here as much as I would have liked once I got that fixed my wifi went out so that has been frustrating. On a good note I am going back to school for the third time for my four major this time I think I'll be able to finish and graduate with a degree, finger crossed.
St. Patrick's day is tomorrow for me and I can't wait, I'm going to the St. Patrick's SG party in Columbus, Ohio. If you. Celebrate St. P day have a wonderful time and be safe.
St. Patrick's day is tomorrow for me and I can't wait, I'm going to the St. Patrick's SG party in Columbus, Ohio. If you. Celebrate St. P day have a wonderful time and be safe.
i cant believe i missed you and that you live in ohio we must hang!!!
I can't wait to see your set with Alissa! If the preview pics are any indication, you'll be pink in no time!