OMG!!! Not to rub it in or be smarmy but I just won a competition with the AFI fanclub to go and watch when they record their radio one session tomorrow. There will only be 30 people there. This could very well be the best thing that ever happens to me! x
More Blogs
Monday Oct 09, 2006
Holly hell I love AFI, the best gig I have been to in ages, fuck yeah. -
Saturday Sep 30, 2006
Just over a week til AFI I am back at Uni and like a big twat I forg… -
Wednesday Sep 13, 2006
So I finally watched SOAP tonight, and I have to say I was a little d… -
Thursday Aug 31, 2006
How come I never remember how badly my clothes will stink of smoke af… -
Tuesday Aug 22, 2006
I totally made myself a muscle shirt today, it is totally sweet. I am… -
Tuesday Aug 15, 2006
I'm so proud of myself because I totally have a job, even though it i… -
Tuesday Aug 08, 2006
I have recently discovered how good Warburtons bread is, I can't stop… -
Saturday Jul 29, 2006
How g'darn good is the new Send More Paramedics album? The answer wou… -
Friday Jul 21, 2006
Well I am back from America now, jeepers it was hot there, and it is … -
Wednesday Jun 21, 2006
Owchies, I have excercised more in the past 2 days then I have in the…