Yeah, I suck at updates, my folks tell me all the time.
So, what's new?
- knee deep in my thesis, the introduction is done, 80 pages to go... woo-hoo.
- still at the game testing job... and at the radio job... and the newspaper job... lacking sleep indeed.
But as for the rest, to quote a 80's song, the future so bright, I gotta...
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So, what's new?
- knee deep in my thesis, the introduction is done, 80 pages to go... woo-hoo.
- still at the game testing job... and at the radio job... and the newspaper job... lacking sleep indeed.
But as for the rest, to quote a 80's song, the future so bright, I gotta...
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Scared about my thesis...

yeah thats not good (about the friend thing) but neither is holding grudges