As the weekend ends, I continue using my new found tools for organization to continue...well...organizing.
I may have found a place to live when we are done with our lease. That is good.
I saw dawn of the dead today. It was fucking awesome. Everything a good zombie movie should be. Lots of zombies, lots of fucking blood, dead babies, dead little girls, dead everything but the dog...although even that remains to be seen.
If you could be a zombie, would you be old school night of the living dead zombie, 28 days later zombie thing, dawn of the dead zombie, or dead alive type zombie...
I would have to choose 28 days later, they were just a bit to bad ass.
I may have found a place to live when we are done with our lease. That is good.
I saw dawn of the dead today. It was fucking awesome. Everything a good zombie movie should be. Lots of zombies, lots of fucking blood, dead babies, dead little girls, dead everything but the dog...although even that remains to be seen.
If you could be a zombie, would you be old school night of the living dead zombie, 28 days later zombie thing, dawn of the dead zombie, or dead alive type zombie...
I would have to choose 28 days later, they were just a bit to bad ass.

hey are you tired? i'm not. chappelle's show soon? anyone? anyone?
so why'd you take minus the bear out of your favorites?
[Edited on Mar 31, 2004 7:09AM]