Hey now, one of my nominations was chosen for the classic set. That is pretty cool. Twwly, you are next.
If you like Mad TV I fear for your sense of humor. Everyone should be forced to watch: The State, Kids in the Hall, and Upright Citizens Brigade.
I need a vacation. Where should I go? Anyone want to go with me?
Your Travelling Willbury,
If you like Mad TV I fear for your sense of humor. Everyone should be forced to watch: The State, Kids in the Hall, and Upright Citizens Brigade.
I need a vacation. Where should I go? Anyone want to go with me?
Your Travelling Willbury,

i'm friends with a lot of kids who are straight edge and i admire them for it because they don't do it for anyone but themselves and it makes them happy. then again they're all over the age of 24 so it's not like some fad to them. the younger kids sometimes bug me... when they preach they know everything abotu straight edge and they sell out 5 months later. the area i live in its 'cool to be straight edge' so EVERYONE is. then they all sell out and they make it one big joke. that's why i guess i didn't like kids my age in high school. they would go and get x's tattooed on them and a week later i would see them passed out at a party. my friend has been edge for 13 years and he just got something that resembles and edge tattooed a few weeks back. i think the real edge kids are the ones who respect you for your choices and live their life style for them and only them.
and that girl sucks. but o well. the world needs people who suck so that people like us stick out more.
and the interview went great. or at least i thought so. we'll see.
i think you should vacation to paris and take me with you. however i am afraid of flying so how does boat sound?
xo annabelle
i'll go to seattle with you if you want to go.