It's 6:50am, I haven't slept. I haven't had much fun either. I went out tonight to see a friends band play. They were good, but my ex was there. I don't know if it was me or what, but she acts really cold to me. I walked by her and didn't see her, and then she wouldnt look at me, when she did, I smiled and said hi and I got a quick hi and she turned her back on me. I guess I can't ask for anything, whatev.
Meanwhile girl from Tampa didn't come visit. I could really use a visit right now and I don't mean in some sexual way, she is one of my best friends and I could just use the company.
Back in my bedroom I have a 3d model of my own head to model in one day (who knows if that will happen), a webpage I have to finish, and unix programming. Did I mention I hate school?
Fuck bees.
On the positive side of things, I've had two days this week of more then 3 hours of Law and Order to watch. If TV could be black tar heroin it would be detective lennie and Jack's amazin court skills. Give it up for the L&O.
I eat babies
Meanwhile girl from Tampa didn't come visit. I could really use a visit right now and I don't mean in some sexual way, she is one of my best friends and I could just use the company.
Back in my bedroom I have a 3d model of my own head to model in one day (who knows if that will happen), a webpage I have to finish, and unix programming. Did I mention I hate school?
Fuck bees.
On the positive side of things, I've had two days this week of more then 3 hours of Law and Order to watch. If TV could be black tar heroin it would be detective lennie and Jack's amazin court skills. Give it up for the L&O.
I eat babies

I really hate the smell of cologne, too.

hahahah i really like how dogs know exacly when to shed on on your black sweater when you're running late to leave the house. and yes our club will be the best. haha. xo