My room is disgusting.

So is my car.

Is that a Jabber-Walkie
Half Pug?
-Do I tour or go into 3d modeling?
-If I want to go on tour, do I join another band that is by no means mine or do I make a new band and start over?
-If I go into the working world am I ready?
-I want to make a music video. I have 3 people in on it with me so far. It...
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So long time no post.

Well I make one life decision and another one comes and bites me in the ass. I just don't know anymore, I wish it only involved me but of course it doesn't.

I AM GOING TO GRADUATE!!! and it only took 5 years...umm yeah. So anyway, atleast I will be out of UCF at the end of spring. It felt...
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art comes first. don't let making a living take over - I am just getting over that and it is like coming off heroin addiction. TO this day my job is too damn responsible....I am about to say fuck the 45K and I will just fuckin be poor, just so I can have the time to do all I need to do to make my project successful without killing myself in the process.....

I did more photos today!!!! Makes me so happy. Hopefully I am on my way to building a useful portfolio, I did a pseudo model shoot today to help out a friend who is in the makeup biz. He does some really cool stuff, but today was pretty tame because it was for his portfolio, the ideas have already started spinnning for what we will...
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My best friend is 25 and his girl is 36.. Its wierd until you see them together, they're perfect for each other.
My point is, there is no set age. Only situations.
Age is nothing but a number. if you have no problem with it, then nobody should.

You work at the social, or were you just there for the YYY's show?

Peace, G
Today I took about 5 rolls of film at the airport. It was pretty fun, I hadn't gone on a little expedition in a while and picking up my friends from the airport seemed to be the right time.

I have been out of a relationship for over 6 months now. Doesn't seem that long, I guess time flies. I'm not very good at this...
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About Thee Imperial, to make a long story short b/c Lisa has been nothing but sweet and nice to me and the person that got fucked was also a friend I am not taking sides. When lisa came back she/her brother kicked out the other partner. That guy was in a band with some close friends of mine and now that crew and some other people will not go to thee imperial anymore.

Who's the girl in jax maybe I know her?

Good bands. Funny story, I use to play musice wwith the first bassist from Hot Rod Circuit. He was really cool. He didn't move up to CT with them from AL and then they moved and got hug., His names on the first record though (Dustin). He was a fucking good guitarist.
Which band are you in?

Edited to ask:
BTW how long have you been in Orlando, I lived there in 99/2000.

[Edited on Oct 12, 2003 5:18PM]
It had to be the same kid, Dustin. I met him b/c we were at Full Sail at the same time. He was the drummer of a band in Orlando but he was the bassit in HRC, he was just that talented. I knew three of the members of that band (dustin's band not HRC, although i did go the HRC show in Orlando with them and got to hang out with HRC) I didn't meet him until I only had three months to go in school so we never really had a chance to start a band.
I dont know any Gwyen or however you spell it but such is life.
I wouldn't say things have changed that much around here it seems to me that the scene is worse than when i left but tIthink it different for me b/c I've grew up here.
I haven't heard of your band but next time you play up here I'll come out.

[Edited on Oct 13, 2003 3:22PM]
So how long can I stay away anyways....not forever for sure... bok
checked out your band's website. pretty nice.
good luck on your tour.
peace, G
OK. So I know a girl who could not be more adorable. But unfortunately thats all I know her as. I have not called my ex in 3 days. Sometimes you have to let things go to see what they really meant. Maybe one day she'll come back, maybe someday she won't, either way I know what I got out of it, even if it...
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i hope your having an awsome time. enjoy every moment
well 2 and 1/2 years and she moves on. I guess it was coming, i dunno. She's not good at being single, but it only took a matter of weeks. Most of you have no idea what I'm talking about. But I am trying to write this down as much as i can. Maybe then I can move on. Oh well. Makes for inspiration...
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girls are werid. dont worry about them so much
yeah most girls are stupid. very few are noteworthy. when you find a truely awsome one though, youll foreget all about this shit.
im bored. someone say hi.

yes i love shiner but i'm not involved enough even to know about these new bands. and that sucks because i was at amoeba records last night dying to buy new music and i couldn't find anything good. on katie's recommendation, i bought muse.

how did you learn that i liked shiner? did you do a search on the hookup page? i did... not too much there. blackeyed
So I went and saw the Matrix tonight. It was ok. Story got kinda hokey at parts, but the good thing about it is it makes you think a little about what is really going on.

I got out of the theater and there was a lost dog running around. It had a collar but no tags. I didn't know what to do, but I...
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So do you work at BBQ Bar or the Social?I was reading the roof collapse in SGFL that I posted,and saw your reponse.Glad to hear that it didn't actually fall apart like the news said.I love BBQ and I've slapped a bunch of SG stickers in bathroom and on the taps.
I will ruin everything. Don't let me meet your friends. In the words of the late great shiner..."and i've drowned your friends away
they all hate me anyway
push everything out of my way
and make you hate me "

and in the words of the immortal chicken
What good museums are there in Orlando? I'd like to know.
Thanks. I heard the Rollins Museum was good.

Thanks, again.
In the past few weeks I have:
+lost a girlfriend of 2 and a half years
+yelled at a meter maid for giving our van a ticket
+yelled at a piece of pizza I dropped on the ground
+yelled at a piece of pizza I could not clean up
+seen xmen2
+learned how to screen print
+continued to try to book a tour

i do have glasses.. blind as a bat without them.. so.. there, now you know.. when i was doing my set, i couldnt see further than oh about 3 feet in front of me.. biggrin

and yes, dreads too!


sorry about the loss of the girlfriend.. this may mean bigger and better things for you in the future though biggrin