Going to both now going to Glasgow with Rachy and her bf Rob + Going to London show with @dicentra Going to be one busy ass weekend flying out Thursday Meeting @ Dicentra Then heading to my aunts place for the night! Then on to the burlesque show on the Friday night! Then getting the train home Saturday early as i am working!! Then heading...
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Last night with my brother and sister in law for karaoke with the old man

Hadn't saw the bro in a while since he lives in Belfast now had a good few drinks got wrecked! Everyone have a good weekend? Hungover to hell and start work at 3!

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Been busy and now trying to catch up on SG tons of new sets! Been working constantly for the last 3 weeks but the weather has sucked balls anyway so not giving a shite! How's things with everyone? Had a good start to the month got to hang out with Jess snd took her to the cathouse for the first time which was a lot...
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Ha! @weepaul I came in at the last verse of "We Didn't Start the Fire". "Ayatollah's in Iran, Russia's in Afghanistan"
Weepaul, you look good out of focus.

Week of doing absolutely fuck all and watching anime and jdramas and wuxia dramas ahh blissss! Still got a week left but thought i would be social tonight and go out and get rat arsed With Duckman and Jessica xD Rum & Metal can't go wrong with that!! Getting rather bored and running out of stuff to watch so any suggestions would be appreciated :P...
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True Detective is really good


Thanks for the heads-up. Now that's a hell of a picture. Love when the sun rises on two golden hills.
@rudeboy71 HAHA indeed it's a great picture! And i love when it does that too ;)

You are… Dark

The things that you saw in the test cards were mostly dark things, which means you are a highly-intelligent and introspective person. You are known to be the perfectionist at work/school or among friends and always set really high standards for yourself and others, which sometimes might appear to others as being cold-hearted. You know you’re not like that, so what about...
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A good friend of mine from when i was a kid and i used to travel a lot to London moved to Scotland for uni!

Very excited not saw her since i was about 15 and that's me only just noticed haha such a dick! Been to preoccupied lately with another friend of mine!

Might be going out for a night out at the end...
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Ageing and time elapsing is a strange thing!
Definitely true! Will be very interesting to see @trills

Well at the airport about to get my flight back to Glasgow had a good weekend a few ups and downs few pissed off moments but had a greattime with @dicentra Neighbours upstairs banging each other and then we start making noises and shouting ughhh oh yeah baby harder and not in the bum mainly me but was rather funny pretty sure i bumped into...
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