Things that i would love this week or next include

will leave it at that wouldn't want to be greedy ..
ok now about whats been happening in my life .
went out last week and got a bit to fucked up and lost my wallet , so for the last week have been replacing all of the important crap that one must have least i got a better photo for my license as the old one was a bit of a piss take at the cops , me with a smart ass smile ..
work has been flat out , for those of you who dont know what i do , i own a import wholesale business . We import latex masks , costumes ,wigs , hats , party goods , really anything that you find in a fancydress store we carry . The recession really hasnt hit us and business is going great . So glad that all around australia people are still throwing partys and dressing up ..
what else ??
my son is fantastic and cant wait to see him tomorrow , will have him for the next two weeks , then for the school holidays . fun for all ..
i'm going on a date tonight , that would be good to get laid but i dont really work that fast and not into sex just for sex anymore , wish i was but just aint feeling it anymore . must be getting old ..
have been here for a few months now and just fucking love this site , thanks to all my new friends .
as always have a fantastic week ..

will leave it at that wouldn't want to be greedy ..
ok now about whats been happening in my life .
went out last week and got a bit to fucked up and lost my wallet , so for the last week have been replacing all of the important crap that one must have least i got a better photo for my license as the old one was a bit of a piss take at the cops , me with a smart ass smile ..
work has been flat out , for those of you who dont know what i do , i own a import wholesale business . We import latex masks , costumes ,wigs , hats , party goods , really anything that you find in a fancydress store we carry . The recession really hasnt hit us and business is going great . So glad that all around australia people are still throwing partys and dressing up ..
what else ??
my son is fantastic and cant wait to see him tomorrow , will have him for the next two weeks , then for the school holidays . fun for all ..
i'm going on a date tonight , that would be good to get laid but i dont really work that fast and not into sex just for sex anymore , wish i was but just aint feeling it anymore . must be getting old ..
have been here for a few months now and just fucking love this site , thanks to all my new friends .
as always have a fantastic week ..
Thanks so much for your comment on my set honey!!!