Got a haircut. Lost the usb cable for my camera. The summation of this information leads to the fact that, no, i cannot post a picture of meself with me new haircut.
Shit, accent's creeping in.
Reading a really good book, and by posting the title I'm admitting to being a hapless romantic:
Conditions of love, The philosophy of intimacy, by John Armstrong. I Definitely... Read More
Wow, haven't updated in a looooong time, so I suppose I'll update:
a) moved into a sweet loft apt in a scary north Philly neighborhood last august.
b) had a long, hard, fun, grueling, productive, alcohol laden semester
c) went for broke, moved back in with my parents
d) got a summer job working for my Momma- and I'm tellin you the woman is a... Read More
Still in the motha land, and enjoying the wonderful solitary walks on the beach. Took the lil' tikes for the " Releasing of the frogs" yesterday, and then went for icecream.
Had my first successful hitchhiking experience, didn't get stabbed or raped or anything! And the guy even knew my family- which has turned out to be the expected around here. I know noone but... Read More
Due to my lack of responsability and similar excuses on the part of my relations here, I am currently sort of stuck in scotland. I was due to leave yesterday for Donegal from Glasgow, but alas we all got pished. Soooo I'm in Aberdeen til Friday.. not bad though they pay for all my drinks!
This trips just about over well, the extensive traveling end... Read More
So I am just a little more than half way through this adventure, and I have definitely covered a few miles. I spent a little over a week in Greece, the first twodays in Athens, then off to the islands... Santorini and Crete. Both were rather incredible. From Greece we took the long haul back to central Europe via 3 ferries and an overnight train,... Read More
Ireland was lovely, Got to spend some time with family that I adore but don't get to see more than once every two years or so- my fire piston cousins, aged 6 and 8 had me kicking soccer balls and kissing wounded knees. Fine wee lads they are.
Being in Galway brought back so many memories of summers there growing up, and gave me the... Read More
semester's over, school's closed, and for the past week i've been kind of killing time before i leave Roma.
In 5 hours i get on a flight to Ireland, then a bus to Galway, then into my Uncle's car to be whisked down the road to their bungalow full of children. I can't wait!
It's hard to know how to feel leaving Rome. It's... Read More
After the most relaxing weekend I've ever experienced, Finals hit! I spent the weekend on the island of Procida off the coast of Naples. Such an incredible place, the entire island was only about 3 miles long, with crystal clear waters and beautiful cliffs. My roomate and I hopped a train to Naples early Saturday morning, arrived and asked the guy in the information booth... Read More
Such a shame you passed up on Ischia. Its very beautiful. Not much to do as of yet but theres cheap place to stay right in the harbor and the beach was amazing. Have you been north yet? Venezia is nice to see, I tend to find myself there on weekends getting lost in the waterways, its fun.