I got up before my girlfriend Cheyenne this morning making coffee and breakfast. My girlfriend got breakfast in bed this morning and was so happy and very thankful. Cheyenne has to work today and I wanted to do something nice for her this morning.
We had plans to go out to dinner when she gets off from work today. We have changed our minds because of the weather. I'm cooking Valentine's Day dinner tonight spaghetti salad garlic bread and strawberry cheesecake for dessert. When she gets home from work today I'll have the fireplace going and the lights down low and Valentine's Day dinner cooked.
Cheyenne said it's time for me to go to work give me a kiss 💋. She said I love you and thanks for breakfast and warming up my car for me this morning your so sweet ❤️.
Our Valentine's Day has gotten off to a good start this morning. What are your Valentine's Day plans?