This hardworking beautiful model @eliieweeds started her journey on Suicide Girl in 2015. She has 8 beautiful sets out and when you see the numbers. You'll be like this member wondering what else does this model have to do to be Pink. And this pretty girl has some of the prettiest lingerie I've ever seen. I love everything about this models sets with a variety of cosplay and a multi set that's absolutely beautiful. And she's the prettiest girl I've seen today on the SG website. And has a new set coming out Crimson Veil by @fungdabac coming in one month and two weeks can't wait to see. Here's a hardworking model that hasn't given up on becoming a SG. What else does this Hopeful have to do to prove she's earned this title SG. Please Tell Me Staff and @eliieweeds
Models and members let's get @eliieweeds PINK in the new year 2025! If you haven't seen this beautiful models sets your missing out on something beautiful this pretty girl!
( Side Note ) I don't normally promote Hopefuls and their sets. I will promote Hopefuls and their sets if I believe in them. Hopefuls who work hard with blogs videos updates active trying their best to become a SG like this Hopeful I believe in @elileweeds
Debut set Once upon a time by @antonin pimiento views 2261
2, Sk4ter Girl by @david_c views 2238
3, Pikh by @david_c views 2293
4, Be Mine by @david_c views 1904
5, Delightful by @aeterna views 2274
6, Onyx by @ayah views 2274
7, Lady Vador by @david_views 2024
8, Current set Down The Stairs by @neiotan
@penny @kyrie @cherie @vaega