I will not be sharing anything about myself my girlfriend or family.
Recently I shared a holiday tradition I started with my daughter's.
Yesterday i shared my engagement to my girlfriend Cheyenne. And how happy we are and plans for a spring wedding.
Recently I shared our family horse's.
Last month I shared my cowgirl daughter's Little Red and Little Weed and our family horse's.
Before I say anything else I want to thank the models and members that visit my page daily.
I've made a lot of friendships with models and members I value. Basically if I'm following or your following we probably have a friendship. I'm done with sharing my life on this website. I find support and love on other social media accounts when it comes to my personal life and my family.
I don't see a family with this website, I have that family on my other social media accounts. I'm not going to share myself or my family if no one's going to read my blogs with the exception of my favorites who check out my page daily.
I'll be taking my blogs and videos down and continue with a questionnaire from time to time. I do have models visiting my page daily to watch my videos. Should I continue posting front page videos staff never seems to find?
By no means I'm I complaining, I've just realized when it comes to my personal life and family this is not the place to share it. With no interest in me, with the exception of my favorites.
That leaves me with nothing to share about myself. With the exception I'm the only self employed full-time farmer on this website. There's some interest when I share my vegetable gardens and farm. So I'll continue with some blogs about my central Kentucky farm and vegetable gardens.
Enough said peace out, wishing everyone happy holidays.