1, Favorite pie! Apple
2, Steak or Seafood? Seafood
3, Pepsi or Coke? Coke
4, Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
5, Ever hit a deer? Yes! We have a healthy whitetail deer population in Kentucky. It was a terrible experience the rut or breeding season was in full swing in late October. A big buck was chasing a doe across the road and it was a dark night with no moonlight and I verly missed the doe and out of nowhere I hit this big 10 point buck at a speed of 55 mph and it totaled my truck and the airbag went off almost knocking me out I couldn't see anything and thought I was going to die. Some how I survived and I decided to rebuild my Dodge 3500 truck I have one more major part to buy and my extra farm truck will be back on the road.
5, Last text from? My ex girlfriend Cheyenne's little girl Marley who's 5 yrs old and texted love you Weed. I texted back and said little girl are you supposed to be on your mom's cellphone texting. She texted back and said love you bye. So cute, I had this inter thought thinking how did this little girl learn how to text and spell at 5 yrs old.
6, Broken bones? None
7, Favorite color? Green
8, Mountains or Beach? Beach
9, Dog or Cat? I have a cat but I love both!
10, Early morning person? Yes up early every morning!
11, Favorite flower? Wildflowers
12, Beer or wine? No beer or wine for me not much of a drinker. I do enjoy bourbon and coke from time to time.
13, Pancakes or waffles? I'm going with waffles and remembered something @jadestone said about waffles. And I agree waffles come with built-in syrup holders and I love maple syrup and butter on my waffles.
14, Sign! Pieces