Thanks everyone for the positive feedback on my Fall and Holloween questionnaire. Some things I've learned and discovered through my past questioners. I've discovered or models like, love and enjoy feeling out my questionnaires. And discovered 75 percent of or members like and enjoy questionnaires. And 25 percent of or members don't enjoy or like questionnaires. I discovered everyones relationship status 35 percent of or models and members are married. And 30 percent of or models and members are in relationships. And 45 percent of or models and members are single. I discovered 80 percent of or models and members enjoy the outdoors. And 20 percent of or models and members don't enjoy being outdoors. I read all your answers to my questionnaires. And learned so many things I didn't know about or models and members I've discovered the fastest way to learn new things about each other is with questionnaires. I never know what questions I'm going to ask. I do all my questionnaires on the fly making up questions as I write. I really enjoy reading everyone's answers and learning new things about or models and members. And my shortest questioner to date only 15 G&A.
1. How was your Thanksgiving and what are you thankful for?
I enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving dinner at my parents house. I'm so thankful for my family and friends.
2. Who's putting up a Christmas tree π?
For the first time in life I got my Christmas tree π up before Thanksgiving.
3. Do you have any family tradition for Thanksgiving and Christmas?
Thanksgiving it's traditional for my family to have dinner at my parents house at 1 o'clock. Christmas my family gets together every year on Christmas Eve at my parents house. With dinner followed by opening Christmas presents.
4. Your best advice?
Always have a backup plan like plan A plan B Many times in my life I'm happy I had a plan B
5. Do you have any holiday charities you donate to?
I realize not everyone has extra money for charities. This was my 17th year participating in TOYS FOR TOT'S. My 9th year participating in Salvation Army Angel Tree. And my 4th year in a row picking a teenage girl off the Salvation Army Angle Tree. This year I have a 15yr old teen girl named Jacy. She is a bright pretty girl in the Foster Care System in central Kentucky. Waiting patiently for her new Foster family to come and get her. She needs everything she's a growing teenager. I got a chance to meetup with Jacy and take her shopping. For something's that she needs immediately that are on her list Jeans tennis shoes and a winter jacket. And I told her to pick out a restaurant for lunch. She immediately said I've been craving for some Taco Bell. She's a really good teen and so thankful and appreciates everything I'm doing to help her with her Christmas wish list. And her parents put her in this situation because of their drug addict. I'm going to make sure I get this teen everything on her list including a new cell phone and tablet.
6. Your favorite Christmas song?
If we make it through December ( Merle Haggard )
7. Your best Christmas present, your choices given or received?
I just spent a lot of money on new horse for my preteen daughter Little Red. Who knew a stoner could raise a daughter that's never missed a day of school. And on the honor roll with straight A's every year. She gets off the bus everyday through the week. Changes her clothes and takes care of the horses making sure they have hay, grain and water in the winter months. She's 10yrs old helping me with everything on my farm. My little farm girl, cowgirl earned this new horse. She has no clue what she's getting for Christmas. She's going to be so excited she loves horses. I have this horse hidden on a friend's farm. And my daughter spotted this horse out on pasture from her school bus on Wednesday. She got off the bus and found me and said dad did you see that Buckskin horse at Ryan's farm. She went on to say can we please go see if it's for sale. I know now I picked out the color horse my daughter wants Buckskin.
8. Do you have your Christmas shopping done?
I try really hard to get my shopping done early every year. It's never worked out for me and I shop way into December buying something's from the internet helps me complete my Christmas shopping every year.
9. Fun question something you enjoy during the Holidays?
Decorating for holidays is something I enjoy. I realize this is not for everyone. I've discovered through my questioners we have a lot of models that enjoy decorating for the holidays.
10. Do you have plans for New Years eve?
I have a small New Years party at my farm every year. It's always a good time with good friends and good food.
11. Your goals for the new year 2024?
To expand on my farm operation by growing more produce. And market and sale my farm fresh vegetables directly from my farm.
12. Your New Years resolution?
I don't know how I'm going to do this, or not for sure I can do this quit smoking cigarettes!
13. Your favorite hobbies?
Gardening Photography Crafting and my own original art T3 Farm Horseshoe Art. My Horseshoe Art can be found in the SG Office in LA California.
14. Do you do Christmas cards?
I enjoy sending and receiving Christmas cards every year. I've been sending and receiving Christmas cards with several Suicide Girls and Hopefuls every year since becoming a member. Send me a PM for my address if you want to exchange Christmas cards with me.
15. Share anything you want from your past holiday's?
I'm laughing now thinking about this Christmas story I'm getting ready to tell you. 6yr ago on Christmas morning my little girl woke me and my girlfriend at the time Jessie up. And said when is Santa Claus coming. I looked at the clock and it was 5 o'clock in morning. I said little girl he's coming he still has a couple of hours to get here. I told my 4yr old daughter Little Red she could get in bed with me and Jessie. And when we get up you'll be opening presents Santa Claus dropped off. So happy I could get her back asleep so I could get up and get her Christmas present under our Christmas tree π. Around 7 o'clock my daughter and Jessie finally got up. My daughter found her new pony saddle and was so excited. About an hour later she said Santa Claus forgot to bring my new pony. And I wanted a pony π to ride. My daughter is a natural redhead and when she gets mad her face turns red. She gets redhead pissed off mad and I try not to laugh at her. She said I'm so mad at Santa Claus I'm going back to bed. I said little girl Jessie just cooked you breakfast. She said I'm not eating until I get a pony. Here's the deal I have a pony in the barn but there's a winter snow storm and it's freezing outside. My little girl is so mad I decided to get her bundled up and said Santa Claus probably left your pony in the barn. Me and Jessie took my daughter to the barn to meet her new pony Smokey. She was so excited and in love with her new pony. She daddy saddle Smoky up I'm going riding in the snow on my new pony. Me and Jessie are freezing watching Little Red riding Smokey in a snow storm. We could not get her off her new pony and she said I'm not cold, you and Jessie can go back in the house. Me and Smokey are riding to Grandma's house. Sometime you just have to let little cowgirls be cowgirls. I decided to let her ride Smokey to my parents house. Because I haven't seen a vehicle all day on the country road we live on. And I can see my parents house from my house. I said I will tell your Grandma to be watching for you and Smokey. My daughter still has her best friend Smokey.
This is a community questioner and everyone is welcome to participate in my holiday questioner.
I'm tagging in no order @rare @jadestone @cheshire_ @nerestorm @headshot @samihain @foxxy @dutch @seducente @vivianbliss @missy @drew and @olgakulaga