I've lost track of how many models tagged me for Scattergories! I think @headshot tagged me first
1. Type of candy; Whoppers
2. Song; We can work it out, The Beatles
3. Football team; Wildcats from the University of Kentucky
4.Tailgate food; Watermelon
5. City; Wisconsin
6. Color; White
7. Movie; Willow
8. Camping item; Wet Stone used to sharpen knifes
9. Something to wear; Wrangler Jeans 👖
10 Something to be thankful for; Weed
11. Something in a haunted house; Witches
12. Something yellow; Wildflowers
13. Historical person; Washington Gorge
14. Candle sent; Wildflowers
15. Fall activity; Weed harvest
I didn't have to use Google to answer these!