This is going to be a fun questioner with some fun, personal and silly questions. Questioners is the fastest way to learn new things about our models and members. Can't wait to read your answers.
1. Your favorite things you love about the Fall season?
2. Who's decorating for Halloween?
3. Have you decided on a Holloween costume?
4. Favorite outdoor Fall activities?
5. Favorite horror movies?
6. Favorite Holloween song 🎵🎶?
7. Have you ever visited a cemetery at night?
8. Who's going on vacation or holiday this fall?
9. Who's going camping or spending some time in nature this fall?
10. Favorite Fall and Holloween alcohol drinks?
11. Anyone going to our hosting a Holloween party?
12. Do you have a favorite Holloween themed set from the past or present?
13. Your current status like married, dating, BF, GF or single?
14. Who is your bestie on the SG website name only one model or member?
15. Do you believe in witches?
16. Who's in love or looking for love?
17. Do you believe in ghosts?
18. Who's horny now?
19. Who thinks I should do a Holiday questioner?
20. Who enjoys questioners?
Isn't this fun answering my questions I just made up as I was writing. Here's my answers and I can't wait to read yours.
1. Harvesting vegetables from my garden. Cooler weather and the harvest moon.
2. I decorate my farm for Halloween every year.
3. I haven't decided on a costume yet.
4. Grilling outdoors with a bonfire 🔥. Going to corn mazees and haunted houses with my little family.
5. Blair witch project, Year of the witch!
6. The Monster Mash
7. Yes
8. Going on a weekend getaway to Nashville TN the 3rd weekend in October.
9. Going camping and fishing next weekend at Otter Creek Wildlife Management KY.
10. Sinful 69 cinnamon bourbon from Boundary Oaks Distillery Radcliff Kentucky.
11. I have a annual Holloween party at my farm every year!
12. @samihain's set Serendipity
13. Dating a really pretty alternative girl named Morgan.
14. @jadestone
15. Yes I believe in witches and witchcraft!
16. I'm dating someone new Morgan and Im in love with this pretty alternative girl! We haven't known each other long enough to be BF GF.
17. Yes I believe in ghosts and have several that visit my farm from time to time.
18. You beautiful SGs and Hopefuls keep me horny!
19. Let me know your thoughts on a Holiday questioner!
20. The reason I like questioners, it gives us something new to do on the website. And I love learning new things about our models and members.
I realize we have some countries that don't celebrate Holloween. And I realize some countries are in the middle of summer. If your a model or member in one of these countries let us know and just answer as many questions as you can.
Tagging @jadestone @foxxy @rhoxieredd @rare @cheshire_ @roxyloove @penny @eirenne @vivianbliss @mih @deedlit @olgakulaga @headshot @realwildangel @emberstrong @melodydusky @jameskidd @peggolives @zarawolf @elune @lallupyon @eveel and @korie
This is a community questioner everyone is welcome to participate and tag anyone you like!