Something's I've learned over the years I'm going to share with you. I'm healthy and happy and plan on living a long life. I'm officially retired but still doing some farming. I enjoy it and the extra income. I'm in a new relationship with Cheyenne a very pretty alternative girl who's much younger turning 32yrs old in March. We met in public and she asked me out.
Never judge someone from there race, or the color of there skin. Or because there gay, bisexual or trans gender. Because you don't know anything about this person. So how can you judge them with out knowing them.
Always have a backup plan. Because your first plan might not work. Like plan A, plan B
On first dates don't spend a lot of money trying to impress someone you just met. Be creative and plan simple dates were you can be alone. Like a picnic date in park where you can talk and learn something about each other.
Don't rush into new relationships. And don't rush into move in with someone in a new relationship. Slow down and make sure of some things. Make sure your getting what you want from this relationship. Ask a 100 question's or more, and make sure you meet their family and friends.
Don't waste your time with friends that won't support you. When your down and out and need some help with something. Like maybe your sick or having some mental health problems. There not your friends and probably using you for something that benefits them.
Always have that one friend that's got your back no matter what's going down. I have 4 or 5 friends that I can count on that's coming if I need them for anything. I do the same thing for them if they need me for anything.
Stuff is just stuff, keep stuff you like, and get rid of stuff you no longer want, and stuff you don't use. I do this every other year and take things I don't want to Goodwill. Maybe someone can benefit from my stuff.
Buying cars, trucks, SUVs and RVs I've always been able to find dependable clean vehicles. By skipping car lots and dealerships and buying from original owners and looking for low mileage. They own these vehicles and can tell you the last time they changed the oil and answer your questions.
Applies to both sexes don't get involved sexually with your friends girlfriends wife's boyfriend's and husband's. I've witnessed this destroy friendship's that will never be fixed. This is something I've never done. And I've been asked by some really pretty girls over the years. I've always said no! And have them say why he's gone working in another state are sure you don't want some of this. No I'm not interested! His other friends would be all over this. I'm not like his other piece of shit friend's. I've had girls come back and say thanks for showing me what a respectful man is all about. I'm a respectful wife now happy with one man because of you Weed.
Try to take care of yourself when you get in your 30s 40s 50s by changing your diet and making better food choices. Everyone needs to learn about self care and self love. Try to do some kind of exercise myself I enjoy going for walks everyday. I did everything I just mentioned and I'm healthy and happy turning 60 yrs old.
Try really hard to give up your drug addiction. Get help with your drug addiction. It's terrible for your health and it's aging you. Same with alcohol and alcoholism it's not good for your health and it's aging you more than you think and taking years from you. I went through the cocaine years. But walked away from this cocaine addition on my own. And I'm not into drinking but I haven't had any reasons to completely give it up. Because I like a bourbon and coke sometimes. And I've never been a alcoholic.
If you ever need help with your mental health. Don't be afraid ask for help. I've had to reach out to ask for help before.
Try to always be a good person, and help a stranger in need of something. I'm talking about a homeless person or a single mom trying to feed her kids. Do something positive in your community. Go volunteer at feeding America I do something every week for people I don't even know. Because I don't know how to stop once I started helping people years ago. Believe it or not I've had these people track me down and say because of you I got a job, because of you im off the streets living in a house. Because of you im not using anymore I'm clean and done with addiction because you stopped in a snow storm when I was a teenage girl trying to commit suicide by freezing to death. And you put me in your truck and we went and got coffee and donuts and sit in your truck talking for an hour. The shit you said to me made me cry and I went to school the next day and stopped doing drugs you shaved my life and I love you more than you will ever know. This is why I can't stop helping people. And I have a good heart, soul and a good vibe. Girls that pick up on vibes tell me I have the best vibe they've ever experienced.
Be truthful with your family and friends with everything. A white lie to cover your ass with your mother's is okay sometimes because I do this.
I have more things I might share with you before I turn 60yrs old.