Thanks always ~ @missy @rambo @lyxzen The day I picked my Boxer ( 1st dog) up, December 20, 2012
My boxer was my first dog once I left my parents home and was on my own at 18. After dealing with Colon Cancer since the age of 16, I was finally in remission and I started 18 out fresh! I moved into a small place, had a full time position in an office, was in college, was feeling on top of the world. Being so young when I had my first tumor I was lucky to enter into reserach programs which were less intensive than chemo but their success rates were low to unknown, sadly my 1st treatment failed and my cancer came back, this time aggressively. I entered a second treatment program but during this period of treatment, being on my own and battling this all began to really take a toll on me. In addition I no longer spoke to my family, had to resign from university, and my boyfriend of five years had moved 10 hours away to attend university. My loneliness only increased as my health declined and I recalled my closeness to my ex's family Boxer, his calm disposition, his protective nature, and his companionship so I decided I had time off of work and no classes to attend so I would go against treatment and secretly get a puppy.
I found an ad online for inexpensive white/ brindle boxer puppies, 4 to be exact. 3 boys and 1 girl and only an hours drive. I called and set a time to go pick out my pup, they sent me pictures and i had a brindle one I loved. My best friend drove me and when I got there the family was extremely loving and were thrilled I would be taking one. They held the last two that were available up to me and something about this chubby little white guy with brown ears took my heart. I picked his name on the way home Greek for the Goddess Nyx (Goddess of Night) but he's registered with the AKC as ...... ABRAHAM NIXON ULYSSEYS S. GRANT.... NYX for short.
I picked him up from the home around December 20, 2012 and from that day forward he has been more than I deserve. We grew a bound as I slowly began to battle for my life because I had someone who needed me to fight. Ive been in remission for over 2 years now and Nyx is still by my side. He's my very best friend and even though we did add in little APPA, the english bulldog, were still best friends and not a day goes by I'm not thankful for going to pick him up that day. He's the best decisions I ever made, he teaches me more and more about life every day and now I know, there is never a battle or challenge I have to face alone.