I'm so sorry. it's been almost 10 days that I haven't written here (well, sorry for those who come here to read).
How to say? Well... When you're up on things, when everything goes well, you sometimes wonder about "some shit is going to happen".
Exactly. In the space of one week, I've been told that I'm fired of my job for economical reasons (my company isn't doing well) and, tonight, my mum had an accident. She had some vertigo in our garden and fell on a little wall. We called paramedics, neighbours, at the windows, waiting at the hospital. Finally, though she's aching a lot, she only has broken ribs. We thought that her ankle was broken too but no. Fortunately.
About my job.... well, my 2 months notice period starts in 2 weeks. If I find a job, I can leave as soon as I want with extra money. Considering the job shit in France and in Luxembourg (usually big job provider but in crisis), I may have to move. Anywhere. I thought about Ireland, UK, Belgium, Nederlands, etc. No, not Paris, I hate Paris.
Ok, if anyone hears about something, here's my personal website, you'll find out about my real identity but some of you already have it : CLICK HERE
Ok, now things can only be better, it can't be worse!
How to say? Well... When you're up on things, when everything goes well, you sometimes wonder about "some shit is going to happen".
Exactly. In the space of one week, I've been told that I'm fired of my job for economical reasons (my company isn't doing well) and, tonight, my mum had an accident. She had some vertigo in our garden and fell on a little wall. We called paramedics, neighbours, at the windows, waiting at the hospital. Finally, though she's aching a lot, she only has broken ribs. We thought that her ankle was broken too but no. Fortunately.
About my job.... well, my 2 months notice period starts in 2 weeks. If I find a job, I can leave as soon as I want with extra money. Considering the job shit in France and in Luxembourg (usually big job provider but in crisis), I may have to move. Anywhere. I thought about Ireland, UK, Belgium, Nederlands, etc. No, not Paris, I hate Paris.
Ok, if anyone hears about something, here's my personal website, you'll find out about my real identity but some of you already have it : CLICK HERE
Ok, now things can only be better, it can't be worse!

London is too exspensive; we all know that.
Italians only work for their families. Germans are too serious.
And we all know that the americans are greedy self serving and neurotic. ( I am one, afterall. But I'm not going to offer any appolgy)!
No sir, this country is so drunk on it's success that living here is surreal.
europe makes sense to me. It's civilized.
oh hey, how about Hong Kong. It's like the rest of southeast asia but on steriods.
I wish there was somewhere in betweeen...
How are you doing I hope your OK, is your mum any better
Take care