For one time, I had the opportunity to spend the weekend the way I planned, I mean from Friday night to Sunday evening. Believe me, that's soooo cool and it rarely happens. Of course, most of it was goth stuff related : club on Friday evening and seeing Psyche in concert. I'd been listening to that electro-synthpop band since 1986 (yeah, I'm old
) and never had the opportunity to see them live. It was really great and Darrin, the singer, is really friendly. Cool cool!
I don't know for you, but everytime I go to clubs/concerts like that, I come back home with tons of flyers and parties opportunities. Following weeks will be busy! Plus some goth girl I'd been looking at for months finally talked to me on Friday, thrill! (I'm kinda shy) She asked me if I'd go to the Das Ich concert in Belgium at the end of the month. For suuuure!
I finally had some time to watch Donnie Darko yesterday, I loved it!
I'm tired... spent half night on MSN with my ex. It was ok but I think it will take more time to have friendship only on both parts (though we broke up last July..). Go figure...
Apart that, I only work three days this week!
Now you can smack me!
Edit : Well, 10 years ago I was in the audience of Nirvana's last concert in a french TV studio and I crossed Kurt's look in a corridor just after. One month later he died. sad sad. I still remember his look.

I don't know for you, but everytime I go to clubs/concerts like that, I come back home with tons of flyers and parties opportunities. Following weeks will be busy! Plus some goth girl I'd been looking at for months finally talked to me on Friday, thrill! (I'm kinda shy) She asked me if I'd go to the Das Ich concert in Belgium at the end of the month. For suuuure!
I finally had some time to watch Donnie Darko yesterday, I loved it!
I'm tired... spent half night on MSN with my ex. It was ok but I think it will take more time to have friendship only on both parts (though we broke up last July..). Go figure...
Apart that, I only work three days this week!

Edit : Well, 10 years ago I was in the audience of Nirvana's last concert in a french TV studio and I crossed Kurt's look in a corridor just after. One month later he died. sad sad. I still remember his look.
not at all ! I hope I will have a ticket for PJ Harvey !
hehehe hip c sur !!! Hope it works out with the Goth chick