8 helpful tips to get YOU through your day.
1.when you wake up. have a cigarette
2.if you feel up to it maybe shower.( tends to be hard to smoke while you shower but it is posible.)
3.Well its best to get dressed after showering but put your cigarette down when you put your shirt on.
4.O.K. now your ready to go out into the world. For this you must light a cigarette and continue out the door.
5.thats when you realize you dont even work and you live off of food stamps.(chuckle to your self and say "Ha I'm to lazy bastard!" than sell your food stamps to your local hooker for cash to buy cigarettes and beer.
6.light up another cigarette.
7.do something constructive like play a video game like "Disaster Report" or "MegaMan" while smoking.
8.when you start feeling tired light a cigarette and then continue to bed. if you wake up on fire just role around a bit.
best public service announcement EVER.