it hurts to put on a shirt....ouch
well, the family vacation went well. i made the mistake of laying out in the sun from 10:45 am until 4 pm though and got myself nice and sunburned. oh well, it will turn into a tan soon enough. i do look a little ridiculous naked though since i look like i'm weaing a skin bikini or something...
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well, the family vacation went well. i made the mistake of laying out in the sun from 10:45 am until 4 pm though and got myself nice and sunburned. oh well, it will turn into a tan soon enough. i do look a little ridiculous naked though since i look like i'm weaing a skin bikini or something...
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i love pirates of the caribbean so much. it was amazing. johnny depp was just so fucking cool. i was like a giddy little school girl when i saw it. i fell in love with that movie i swear. i want to go see it again now.
so my family and i are going on vacation to eastern oregon today. it's going to be so...
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so my family and i are going on vacation to eastern oregon today. it's going to be so...
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i still havent seen that dang movie! i feel so left out!
and yay for vacations!! i hope you have a super good time young lady!!
and yeah...that is super crazy!! i hope i never end up like that!! i hope she gets better!
worst habit?hmmmm....i overanalyze everything.

and yeah...that is super crazy!! i hope i never end up like that!! i hope she gets better!
worst habit?hmmmm....i overanalyze everything.
Oooo Johnny Depp is so cool. i loved him in fear and lothing in las vegas!!!
Worst habit is going after the wrong people, even when i know they're wrong!
Worst habit is going after the wrong people, even when i know they're wrong!
remember those summers when you were younger? when you were in elementary school and junior high? when you didn't have to get a summer job? when the only thing you had to do was sleep in and wake up and eat rice crispies and watch your favorite shows? days spent running through the sprinklers and playing hop scotch...chasing the ice cream man and buying one...
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ahh, sounds like heaven!
seems like everyone is writing about younger days...maybe everyone is yearning for the freedom of our youth...before "real life" set in.
your column was the summer breeze.
seems like everyone is writing about younger days...maybe everyone is yearning for the freedom of our youth...before "real life" set in.
your column was the summer breeze.
you get alot of comments from SGs (bonehead comment of the day)
sometimes the craziest things happen...
last friday a kid that i went to junior high and high school with (he was a couple years younger than me) married a 32 year old woman. he was 18. how an 18 met a 32 year old and married her i have no idea. on saturday early morning the woman's ex-husband came to the newlywed's new house and...
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last friday a kid that i went to junior high and high school with (he was a couple years younger than me) married a 32 year old woman. he was 18. how an 18 met a 32 year old and married her i have no idea. on saturday early morning the woman's ex-husband came to the newlywed's new house and...
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Movie that changed my life: Libertarias
Book: Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky
The distributor for Exhumed is based out of New York, so it will have VHS and DVD distribution in the US, but no theatrical release, unless some kind soul decides to organize a showing themselves. There will be a theatrical showing in my town, but that's about it.
Book: Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky
The distributor for Exhumed is based out of New York, so it will have VHS and DVD distribution in the US, but no theatrical release, unless some kind soul decides to organize a showing themselves. There will be a theatrical showing in my town, but that's about it.
thanks for the birthday love and the book that changed my life would have to be fast food nation xoxo
why is reading and writing nothing to some people and so much to me? i consider doing either of the two as doing something, as therapy, as something rewarding, as something relaxing, as something i enjoy doing. i enjoy quiet time. i enjoy being alone, not constantly, no, but i do enjoy some peaceful time to myself. who am i? i don't quite feel i...
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why don't you write more? i thoroughly enjoy your writing and i think you should do more of it.
something about myself: i am a middle child. the only girl and one of the two gay children in my family. my nicknames are dassy and sestor as well as puky mcgee.
sorry that was more than one thing. i justs strated typong and things just started spilling out!
something about myself: i am a middle child. the only girl and one of the two gay children in my family. my nicknames are dassy and sestor as well as puky mcgee.
sorry that was more than one thing. i justs strated typong and things just started spilling out!

hi, you've reached shelley. i'm not here right now, so please leave a message and i'll get back to you as soon as possible. thanks . bye.

dammit I hate answering machines.
if you're there, pick up...
if you're there, pick up...

i really hate having my days off on wednesday and thursday. but at least i have two days in a row off. i haven't had a weekend day off since i've been back from school. it sucks just because chris only has weekends off so we never get to go and do anything during the day.
i found a great quote in a book i...
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i found a great quote in a book i...
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thanxxx 'bout the redness of my hair..hehehe i used to have most my hair red, then got tired of dying it and bleaching it, so I stopped..but now i had leftover bleach and fiured, what the hell!! hehe
edited to say that porn makes me laugh! haha
[Edited on Jul 11, 2003]
edited to say that porn makes me laugh! haha
[Edited on Jul 11, 2003]
People with little tiny backpacks!
don't you hate it when girls talk in little baby voices to their boyfriends? it drives me crazy. is that suppossed to be cute? because it most certainly is not.
i went to a party on the fourth and got three mosquito bites on my face. it itches like mad and makes me annoyed. other than that the party was great. there was a guy...
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i went to a party on the fourth and got three mosquito bites on my face. it itches like mad and makes me annoyed. other than that the party was great. there was a guy...
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girlz like that make me want to
so does when anyone calls me pookie poo. gross.
yes being in separate countries does make it hard for me to hang out with you

yes being in separate countries does make it hard for me to hang out with you

nothing exciting but I'm trying to keep my cool~!
i wish i was one half of a really cute old couple. you know, like the couples that always hold hands and the husband pulls the chair out for the lady and they always have their specific things they get at specific restaurants on specific days, i heart cute old people, i hope i get to be one someday.
i really need to work on...
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i really need to work on...
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yup...old couples are super cute. And dont feel bad about yourself! from reading your journal it sounds like you are an amazing g/f!! Chris should be so lucky!Maybe hes just doing the same thing you are! Doubting yourselves and the such.
And dont feel bad about not missing people from school!! you spent 3/4 of the year with them! ya gotta take a break sometime! enjoy the 4th of July dear!
And dont feel bad about not missing people from school!! you spent 3/4 of the year with them! ya gotta take a break sometime! enjoy the 4th of July dear!

I've seen a lot of those old couples. They're amazing.
About being with a moody partner ... the hardest lesson I had to learn was that, even when she said I made her happy -- I didn't! She made herself happy, and because of certain ways she was thinking, she found it easier to do this when I was with her and when other circumstances matched her ideas.
It works the same for me. Nothing makes me happy; I make myself happy (or unhappy) by the way I think about it. Doesn't mean I ought to be thrilled when, for example, somebody insults me. But I have the choice. I can believe it's true and then believe it means something about me as an entire person, or I can regard it only as information about the person who said it -- and as something that may or may not be true about me in a particular situation at a specific time.
About not missing your friends, if you "should" feel bad about it, that would mean there is some universal law that says you must feel bad about it, right? But you don't. So there's no law, no "should." Only what is.
Happy Fourth!
[Edited on Jul 05, 2003]
About being with a moody partner ... the hardest lesson I had to learn was that, even when she said I made her happy -- I didn't! She made herself happy, and because of certain ways she was thinking, she found it easier to do this when I was with her and when other circumstances matched her ideas.
It works the same for me. Nothing makes me happy; I make myself happy (or unhappy) by the way I think about it. Doesn't mean I ought to be thrilled when, for example, somebody insults me. But I have the choice. I can believe it's true and then believe it means something about me as an entire person, or I can regard it only as information about the person who said it -- and as something that may or may not be true about me in a particular situation at a specific time.
About not missing your friends, if you "should" feel bad about it, that would mean there is some universal law that says you must feel bad about it, right? But you don't. So there's no law, no "should." Only what is.
Happy Fourth!

[Edited on Jul 05, 2003]
here i am alone and with nothing to do on a saturday night. does anyone want to come over? i'm up for anything right about now i'm so bored.
hi my name is shelley and i'm addicted to variety puzzles. *SG world says *"Hi Shelley"* you know, like the fill-in puzzles and stuff. i love them so much. i can't get enough of them. i...
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hi my name is shelley and i'm addicted to variety puzzles. *SG world says *"Hi Shelley"* you know, like the fill-in puzzles and stuff. i love them so much. i can't get enough of them. i...
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People never cease to disapoint me with themselves. From their action to moronic comments about ordering sandwiches. As long as they're amused.
I've finished 3 books in the past week and a half but not sure you'd enjoy them. All non-fiction military history/biography stuff. Some amazing stories really. I love history.
Keep kick'n ass on the PS2 girl.

I've finished 3 books in the past week and a half but not sure you'd enjoy them. All non-fiction military history/biography stuff. Some amazing stories really. I love history.
Keep kick'n ass on the PS2 girl.

*knock knock* "Shelley? Shelley wanna hang out? it is Tiamat. you know? that crazy girl from that 'porn' site are you home? i think i hear you in there. oh okay. i know how to take rejection"
*knock knock* "Shelley? Shelley wanna hang out? it is Tiamat. you know? that crazy girl from that 'porn' site are you home? i think i hear you in there. oh okay. i know how to take rejection"

Fav drink:A Pint or 6 of Guiness.
thanks for the welcoming message. I'm hoping to make some unique friends. let me know if you find any.