so, i've been gone for a while, sorry. i was way was chris' 21st birthday, my best friend was in town, and i went home for the weekend. all in all it was a great weekend.
i feel really sad right now, but i'm not sure why. sometimes i really don't understand the way that i feel. my mood will change from one thing to the next with no warning at all. i hate it.
i'm so excited. one of my friends brought some games from elementary school with her back to school. she brought girl talk, heart throb, and girl talk secret diary. i can't wait to be silly and play these games.
man, i wish i could show you what these "dream guys" look like in these games, it's absolutely hilarious. these guys look like they are 35 and the game is for like 10 year old girls. yuck. anyway, since i can't show you what they look like i'll share one of their dreamy profiles...
TONY...will take on anyone in arm wrestling. He loves math and broken-in hightops, models sportswear on weekends and his favorite food is cheesecake.
did anyone else play these games when they were younger? and i know some guys did because i used to make my little brother play heart throb with me.
question of the day ( taken from one of the dares in girl talk): name a tv or movie star you'd like to have as a big brother.
reading: lucky, by alice sebold
listening to: "all you need" sublime
i feel really sad right now, but i'm not sure why. sometimes i really don't understand the way that i feel. my mood will change from one thing to the next with no warning at all. i hate it.
i'm so excited. one of my friends brought some games from elementary school with her back to school. she brought girl talk, heart throb, and girl talk secret diary. i can't wait to be silly and play these games.
man, i wish i could show you what these "dream guys" look like in these games, it's absolutely hilarious. these guys look like they are 35 and the game is for like 10 year old girls. yuck. anyway, since i can't show you what they look like i'll share one of their dreamy profiles...
TONY...will take on anyone in arm wrestling. He loves math and broken-in hightops, models sportswear on weekends and his favorite food is cheesecake.
did anyone else play these games when they were younger? and i know some guys did because i used to make my little brother play heart throb with me.
question of the day ( taken from one of the dares in girl talk): name a tv or movie star you'd like to have as a big brother.
reading: lucky, by alice sebold
listening to: "all you need" sublime

i remember girl talk. i drank a cup of pure squeeze lemon for that game and puked. yuck
i remember the dream guys too. that game is funny. the guys are all dorks w/ wind blown hair.
have fun