nights spent awake
matching your breathing
i watch you
as you sleep
you put your arm around me
and i know
i am loved
i love
i am happy
i have found
the one
my best friend
my love
it was great reading about how everyone got together with their significant others. if you missed it you should read my last entry. everyone had really interesting and good stories.
the weekend was good. chris came again. he's turning 21 next week, i can't believe it. i don't know why i can't. maybe it's because we've been together for so long and i remember so clearly his 19th birthday, as cliche as it is, like it was yesterady. i hate that i won't be able to be with him on his actual birthday. maybe it's better that i can't since i won't be able to go out to the bars anyways. i'll get to see him the day after his birthday around lunch time, so that's good.
how was your weekend?
reading: white oleander, by janet fitch (still)
listening to: "too far gone" the all-american rejects
matching your breathing
i watch you
as you sleep
you put your arm around me
and i know
i am loved
i love
i am happy
i have found
the one
my best friend
my love
it was great reading about how everyone got together with their significant others. if you missed it you should read my last entry. everyone had really interesting and good stories.
the weekend was good. chris came again. he's turning 21 next week, i can't believe it. i don't know why i can't. maybe it's because we've been together for so long and i remember so clearly his 19th birthday, as cliche as it is, like it was yesterady. i hate that i won't be able to be with him on his actual birthday. maybe it's better that i can't since i won't be able to go out to the bars anyways. i'll get to see him the day after his birthday around lunch time, so that's good.
how was your weekend?
reading: white oleander, by janet fitch (still)
listening to: "too far gone" the all-american rejects

i love the book 'white oleander' - i sat down and read it all at once
xoxo zoe xoxo