crying for the death of your heart
spring break was only like 2 weeks ago and already i'm suffering from a major case of summer-itis. i so desperately want it to be summer vacaction. i'm so sick of school and all of the bullshit classes that i'm taking that are seriously a waste of time. a word of advice: never take 18 credits at a time, only if you have to, it's not worth it.
so chris' birthday is next week. i already bought him rushmore and bottle rocket on dvd. there's also a they might be giants concert coming up that we both want to go to. so the question i buy the tickets too (it'll be like $50 for both of us to go)? or are just the dvds and a nice letter enough?
it's so nice today? why do i have to have homework to do and things to study for? why can't i be at the beach with chris?
reading: white oleander, by janet fitch
listening to: "sherry fraser" marcy playground
spring break was only like 2 weeks ago and already i'm suffering from a major case of summer-itis. i so desperately want it to be summer vacaction. i'm so sick of school and all of the bullshit classes that i'm taking that are seriously a waste of time. a word of advice: never take 18 credits at a time, only if you have to, it's not worth it.
so chris' birthday is next week. i already bought him rushmore and bottle rocket on dvd. there's also a they might be giants concert coming up that we both want to go to. so the question i buy the tickets too (it'll be like $50 for both of us to go)? or are just the dvds and a nice letter enough?
it's so nice today? why do i have to have homework to do and things to study for? why can't i be at the beach with chris?
reading: white oleander, by janet fitch
listening to: "sherry fraser" marcy playground

ive read the "hottest state" and i really liked it, but i havent read his other one. but boy, if i could be him for a day...yeah...
I feel it, I gotta do the summer school thing and I know I'm missing out.