chris is coming today! chris is coming today! chris is coming today!
can you tell i'm excited? i feel like i haven't seen him in so long. i wish that it was summer already so we could see each other all the time again.
i'm so happy it's the weekend now. i swear this has been one of the longest weeks ever. it's hard getting used to going from spring break to having 18 credits. so much work. blah.
thanks to everyone who commented in my journal the other day, i think that's the most comments i've ever gotten. and i'm glad that all the positive thoughts made people feel better. we all need some cheering up nowadays i think.
reading: in the lake of the woods, by tim o'brien
listening to: "cowboy dan" modest mouse
question of the day: what is your biggest pet peeve?
i absolutely hate it when people poke me in the ear. it bothers me so much, which i guess is a little weird considering that i have my inner conch pierced (but i don't even feel that anymore). i just hate it when there are things in my ear hole (is that called the ear canal?) it all started when my best friend in elementary school poke a piece of hard grass inside my ear and it started bleeding. ugh. so now i get all creeped out whenever people poke me in the ear or give me wet willies or anything like that.

can you tell i'm excited? i feel like i haven't seen him in so long. i wish that it was summer already so we could see each other all the time again.
i'm so happy it's the weekend now. i swear this has been one of the longest weeks ever. it's hard getting used to going from spring break to having 18 credits. so much work. blah.
thanks to everyone who commented in my journal the other day, i think that's the most comments i've ever gotten. and i'm glad that all the positive thoughts made people feel better. we all need some cheering up nowadays i think.
reading: in the lake of the woods, by tim o'brien
listening to: "cowboy dan" modest mouse
question of the day: what is your biggest pet peeve?
i absolutely hate it when people poke me in the ear. it bothers me so much, which i guess is a little weird considering that i have my inner conch pierced (but i don't even feel that anymore). i just hate it when there are things in my ear hole (is that called the ear canal?) it all started when my best friend in elementary school poke a piece of hard grass inside my ear and it started bleeding. ugh. so now i get all creeped out whenever people poke me in the ear or give me wet willies or anything like that.
why are you excited?
one of my biggest pet peeves is also ear related. i was just talking to a friend about it today. I hate it when people have dirty ears. gross. why ,don't they clean them. i dumped a partner once because of it. i mean what if i want to put my tongue in there? just the very thought of it makes me ill.
oet peeve eh? hm...close minded people. i hate it. ive been a big fan of the tattoo mag ITA for a couple years now and i used to have a friend who would go through it and be like "thats stupid, why would you want THAT on your body forever!?" and the such...needless to say im no longer friends with her and now i get to enjoy ITA in peace.