lying all alone and restless.
unable to lose this image.
sleepless, unable to focus on anything but your surrender.
tugging a rhythm to the vision that's in my head.
tugging a beat to the sight of you lying
so delighted with your new understanding.
there's something about a little evil that makes that unmistakable noise i
was hearing,
that unmistakable sound i know so well.
spent and sighing with that look in your eye.
spent and sweating with a look on your face like
sweet revelation.
sweet surrender.
thinking of you.
thinking of you.
sweet revelation.
sweet surrendering.
(50 bonus points to the first person to tell me the name of the song and artist)
bad things...
-running out of money
-corporate people coming into work tomorrow

good things...
-lemon sorbet
-winning $10 on a scratch-it ticket last night
-hanging out with old friends
-having chris only 5 minutes away from me
reading: white oleander, by janet fitch
listening to: "there is" boxcar racer
p.s. thanks to everyone who's been commenting in my journal, it really makes my day.
Describe yourself in metaphors (example: I am the wing of the dove in flight)
my brain isn't that talented. i'd get them all jumbled together.