so i had to go to court for my speeding ticket today. what an experience. i plead guilty and explained all the bullshit reasons why i was speeding and all that. everyone told me that the ticket would get reduced since it was my first and because i showed up in court. imagine my surprise when the judge said i had to pay $150...$50 more than what my actual ticket was for.
i was so shocked, i thought i might have cried. so i asked him why the $50 extra and he said that there were all these court processing fees that i had to pay and whatnot. so when i walked over to pay it off at the cashier's office all the ladies that worked there were completely shocked at me having to pay more. they said that the judge that i had never does traffic court, so he didn't know what he was doing. they went and talked to him and told him that he was wrong in assigning me more of a fine, and so he said he was sorry and lowered it to $55. it would've been better if i could've just gone to traffic school or something, but at least i don't have to pay a lot since i don't have any money at all because i am a poor college student.
so i've been watching people walk around campus, and sometimes it just makes me laugh because they remind me of high school marching band. they walk around with such a purpose, so fast with swinging arms. it's so funny. marching band, what a many ex-band nerd are there out there? what did you play? i played the flute.
thanks to everyone who gave me advice about being paranoid about my relationship with chris in my last entry. i really appreciate it. it's so nice to know that other people have felt the same way and that i'm not necessarily crazy.
some asshole keeps honking their horn obsessively, and it's driving me crazy.
don't you think this smiley looks like a pirate?
arrh mateys! yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me
my friend heidi is making chicken stir fry tonight for dinner, and i'm so excited, yum
so we are going to eat yummy food and then watch survivor. i am a reality tv junky.
i haven't drank any soda since last friday because of my attempt to be healthier, and it's killing me. i never realized how addicted to soda i was. i have never wanted a wild cherry pepsi so bad in my life. i think i might give in and have one this weekend when i go home. someone please give me a reason not to give in, i'm begging you.
bad things:
-my messy room
-expensive gas
good things:
-getting my ticket reduced
-chocolate chip cookies
-elizabeth smart found alive
-tony and tina nail polish
reading: poetry, some good, some bad
listening to: "i am the killer" thursday
so i've been watching people walk around campus, and sometimes it just makes me laugh because they remind me of high school marching band. they walk around with such a purpose, so fast with swinging arms. it's so funny. marching band, what a many ex-band nerd are there out there? what did you play? i played the flute.
thanks to everyone who gave me advice about being paranoid about my relationship with chris in my last entry. i really appreciate it. it's so nice to know that other people have felt the same way and that i'm not necessarily crazy.
some asshole keeps honking their horn obsessively, and it's driving me crazy.
don't you think this smiley looks like a pirate?
my friend heidi is making chicken stir fry tonight for dinner, and i'm so excited, yum
i haven't drank any soda since last friday because of my attempt to be healthier, and it's killing me. i never realized how addicted to soda i was. i have never wanted a wild cherry pepsi so bad in my life. i think i might give in and have one this weekend when i go home. someone please give me a reason not to give in, i'm begging you.
bad things:
-my messy room
-expensive gas
good things:
-getting my ticket reduced
-chocolate chip cookies
-elizabeth smart found alive
-tony and tina nail polish
reading: poetry, some good, some bad
listening to: "i am the killer" thursday
Anywho- what are you up to this weekend? Anything special?