i'm so fed up with the internet at my school...it crashes all the time and so we can't use our email, or the internet, or anything. it's ridiculous. the internet was down for two days. the system here is so frustrating.
oh well, there's really nothing i can do about it, so i guess i shouldn't worry about it.
shock at just swallowing a mentos whole
i finished Love in the Time of Cholera last night. I really liked it a lot. Kind of a messed up love story, but what love story isn't messed up in one way or another? if anyone is looking for something to read, i would recommend it,
i'm really looking forward to going home this weekend. so far this week has sucked and i'm just really wanting to get away from all the drama on campus. everything is pissing me off, and i'm sick of it. i just want to leave everything behind. forget it all.
i have so much to do this week. i had a spanish test today, but of course i didn't study for it. hopefully i'll do ok.
so i made those toothbrush bracelets last night. it was fun except we all have these red marks on our wrists now from burning ourselves on the steam. oh well, it was worth it. so now i have an orange powerpuff girls toothbrush bracelt that says "mojo jojo" on it. kick ass
i wish my day was over so i could just go to sleep. but of course it's not...i still have to go to work and go to another class and meet with my group to go over our presentation that we have to do tomorrow. not to mention all of the homework i'm going to have to do. looks like it's going to be another late night for me.
bad things:
-not enough time for anything
-being insanely tired
good things:
-my friend is the new vice president of my college
-fruit snacks
-i think i have mastered the trick of putting on liquid eyeliner
reading: the rolling stone with avril on the cover
she makes my blood boil
listening to: "caress me down" sublime

i finished Love in the Time of Cholera last night. I really liked it a lot. Kind of a messed up love story, but what love story isn't messed up in one way or another? if anyone is looking for something to read, i would recommend it,
i'm really looking forward to going home this weekend. so far this week has sucked and i'm just really wanting to get away from all the drama on campus. everything is pissing me off, and i'm sick of it. i just want to leave everything behind. forget it all.
i have so much to do this week. i had a spanish test today, but of course i didn't study for it. hopefully i'll do ok.
so i made those toothbrush bracelets last night. it was fun except we all have these red marks on our wrists now from burning ourselves on the steam. oh well, it was worth it. so now i have an orange powerpuff girls toothbrush bracelt that says "mojo jojo" on it. kick ass

i wish my day was over so i could just go to sleep. but of course it's not...i still have to go to work and go to another class and meet with my group to go over our presentation that we have to do tomorrow. not to mention all of the homework i'm going to have to do. looks like it's going to be another late night for me.

bad things:
-not enough time for anything
-being insanely tired
good things:
-my friend is the new vice president of my college
-fruit snacks
-i think i have mastered the trick of putting on liquid eyeliner
reading: the rolling stone with avril on the cover

listening to: "caress me down" sublime

bad days suck
Cherry xx