first of all, thanks to everyone who gave me tips about shaving. i really appreciate it.
it's days like this that i really hate the northwest
i hate the fact that wherever i walk today the water soaks up into my jeans and i look like a fucking moron because my pants are soaked up to my fucking calves. it's so frustrating.
i would be happy if it only rained once a month, but i know that we really need the rain right now or else there will be a drought during the i guess it's ok
i'm excited because now i have a bonzai tree. my boyfriend gave it to me for my birthday, and i love it. let's just hope that i can keep it alive.
well, i have to go throw my pants in the dryer so they are wearable in public again.
bye for now
p.s. i don't have any suicide girl sad
it's days like this that i really hate the northwest

i would be happy if it only rained once a month, but i know that we really need the rain right now or else there will be a drought during the i guess it's ok

i'm excited because now i have a bonzai tree. my boyfriend gave it to me for my birthday, and i love it. let's just hope that i can keep it alive.

well, i have to go throw my pants in the dryer so they are wearable in public again.
bye for now
p.s. i don't have any suicide girl sad

0If you like Chuck Palahniuk and youre looking for a good read, check out Mark Leyner. Et Tu Babe, his pseudo-audibiography is either one of the most brilliant and hallarius commentaries on American culture, or a raving mass of incoherant nonsense. Either way it will blow your mind.
I'm sure emily would be your friend she is super sweet!