i love pirates of the caribbean so much. it was amazing. johnny depp was just so fucking cool. i was like a giddy little school girl when i saw it. i fell in love with that movie i swear. i want to go see it again now.
so my family and i are going on vacation to eastern oregon today. it's going to be so hot where we're going. i'm planning on spending the entire time swimming and reading and relaxing. we're only going for a few days, but it will be nice to have a vacation considering i haven't gone on one all summer.
one of my friends did the craziest thing last weekend. she drank over a pint of wiskey to herself one night and doesn't remember anything that happened. she woke up the next morning with a third degree burn on her upper arm. it's the grossest injury that i have ever seen in my life. i can't imagine that happening to me and then not feeling it or not remembeing how it happened. in some parts of her arm the burn is all the way to the muscle. last night she had to go into the doctor and they scraped all of the burn out of her arm. i can only imagine the pain she must have been in.
well, i'll miss you all very much when i'm on vacation. leave me pages of messages.
question of the day: what is your worst habit?
so my family and i are going on vacation to eastern oregon today. it's going to be so hot where we're going. i'm planning on spending the entire time swimming and reading and relaxing. we're only going for a few days, but it will be nice to have a vacation considering i haven't gone on one all summer.
one of my friends did the craziest thing last weekend. she drank over a pint of wiskey to herself one night and doesn't remember anything that happened. she woke up the next morning with a third degree burn on her upper arm. it's the grossest injury that i have ever seen in my life. i can't imagine that happening to me and then not feeling it or not remembeing how it happened. in some parts of her arm the burn is all the way to the muscle. last night she had to go into the doctor and they scraped all of the burn out of her arm. i can only imagine the pain she must have been in.
well, i'll miss you all very much when i'm on vacation. leave me pages of messages.
question of the day: what is your worst habit?

and yeah...that is super crazy!! i hope i never end up like that!! i hope she gets better!
worst habit?hmmmm....i overanalyze everything.
Worst habit is going after the wrong people, even when i know they're wrong!