remember those summers when you were younger? when you were in elementary school and junior high? when you didn't have to get a summer job? when the only thing you had to do was sleep in and wake up and eat rice crispies and watch your favorite shows? days spent running through the sprinklers and playing hop scotch...chasing the ice cream man and buying one of those pink baseball glove ice creams...playing with your friends so much you got in little mini fights over the stupidest things....eating popsicles and watermelon all day...staying up late and watching the stars....sleeping in a tent in your own back yard.....sleepovers every other day....your own personal adventures..getting so tan your lips were almost scabby,. i miss those summers. when i didn't have a care in the world. when there was always someone to play with. when nothing mattered except having fun. are those days really gone forever? i don't want to accept it.
the beginning of my junior year of college is fast approaching and i don't want it to come. i'm happy at home hanging out with chris and reading books for fun. i guess it will be nice to be back in school again, but i've really enjoyed this summer. it's been great.
question of the day: what is your favorite song?
listening to: "triger happy jack" poe
reading: i know this much is true, by wally lamb
the beginning of my junior year of college is fast approaching and i don't want it to come. i'm happy at home hanging out with chris and reading books for fun. i guess it will be nice to be back in school again, but i've really enjoyed this summer. it's been great.
question of the day: what is your favorite song?
listening to: "triger happy jack" poe
reading: i know this much is true, by wally lamb

seems like everyone is writing about younger days...maybe everyone is yearning for the freedom of our youth...before "real life" set in.
your column was the summer breeze.