why is reading and writing nothing to some people and so much to me? i consider doing either of the two as doing something, as therapy, as something rewarding, as something relaxing, as something i enjoy doing. i enjoy quiet time. i enjoy being alone, not constantly, no, but i do enjoy some peaceful time to myself. who am i? i don't quite feel i know that just yet. when will i know? how will i know? will it be an instant revelation or something i just quietly settle into? will who i am today be someone completely different in the future? with different beliefs? ideas? hopes? values? dreams? friends? i'm not sure. the future is too hard to predict. where will i live? who will i be with? what will i have accomplished? is there an answer to any of these questions? no....absolutely not. although it seems dull and constant, my life is forever changing.
do what you want, no one's forcing you to do anything. do what feels right. don't let anything hold you back. your life is your own.
why don't i write more? i don't understand. maybe it's because i feel i have nothing to say, but i do, i have plenty to say, i just don't know how to start or where to start. i have to go off on these tangents.
question of the day: tell me something about yourself
do what you want, no one's forcing you to do anything. do what feels right. don't let anything hold you back. your life is your own.
why don't i write more? i don't understand. maybe it's because i feel i have nothing to say, but i do, i have plenty to say, i just don't know how to start or where to start. i have to go off on these tangents.
question of the day: tell me something about yourself

something about myself: i am a middle child. the only girl and one of the two gay children in my family. my nicknames are dassy and sestor as well as puky mcgee.
sorry that was more than one thing. i justs strated typong and things just started spilling out!