here i am alone and with nothing to do on a saturday night. does anyone want to come over? i'm up for anything right about now i'm so bored.
hi my name is shelley and i'm addicted to variety puzzles. *SG world says *"Hi Shelley"* you know, like the fill-in puzzles and stuff. i love them so much. i can't get enough of them. i don't know why, but they entertain me so much.
last night i played mortal combat for ps2. it was so fun. i just press the buttons randomly but sometimesi get a special move on accident and it's pretty cool. my guy friends got mad because i kicked all their asses. except for chris,...he wouldn't let me win even when i told him to. oh well.
why do people feel that they need to make stupid dumb ass jokes whenever they order sandwiches from my work? like the other day this guy goes.....i need a footlong, but don't worry, i'm only talking about a sandwich". come on people, you're not that funny.
is anyone reading any good books?
i really need to stop eating blow pops, but they are so damn good. chris keeps telling me he's worried about my teeth, but i've never gotten a cavity ever and i've always eaten lots of candy.
i have to be at work at 8:30 the day after fourth of july. it's really going to suck being there that early especially since i'm going to a party the night before. oh well, i guess i have to make money somehow.
a funky not a junky but i know where to get it
hi my name is shelley and i'm addicted to variety puzzles. *SG world says *"Hi Shelley"* you know, like the fill-in puzzles and stuff. i love them so much. i can't get enough of them. i don't know why, but they entertain me so much.
last night i played mortal combat for ps2. it was so fun. i just press the buttons randomly but sometimesi get a special move on accident and it's pretty cool. my guy friends got mad because i kicked all their asses. except for chris,...he wouldn't let me win even when i told him to. oh well.
why do people feel that they need to make stupid dumb ass jokes whenever they order sandwiches from my work? like the other day this guy goes.....i need a footlong, but don't worry, i'm only talking about a sandwich". come on people, you're not that funny.
is anyone reading any good books?
i really need to stop eating blow pops, but they are so damn good. chris keeps telling me he's worried about my teeth, but i've never gotten a cavity ever and i've always eaten lots of candy.
i have to be at work at 8:30 the day after fourth of july. it's really going to suck being there that early especially since i'm going to a party the night before. oh well, i guess i have to make money somehow.
a funky not a junky but i know where to get it

I've finished 3 books in the past week and a half but not sure you'd enjoy them. All non-fiction military history/biography stuff. Some amazing stories really. I love history.
Keep kick'n ass on the PS2 girl.
*knock knock* "Shelley? Shelley wanna hang out? it is Tiamat. you know? that crazy girl from that 'porn' site are you home? i think i hear you in there. oh okay. i know how to take rejection"