good news everyone. i have decided to stay. i will find some way to scrounge up the money somehow. you all convinced me to stay. i love you guys. how could i ever possibly leave SG? i'm completely addicted. thank god for the internet.
today is my only day off this week. i've been working so much lately, but i'm really going to appreciate in when i get my next pay check. i have nothing better to do with my time anyways since no one is around during the day besides my dog anyways.
i've been reading a lot lately too, which makes me happy. i love to read. i'm such a book worm. i just really enjoy the idea of escaping into a world where i can watch everything un-noticed. i can know someone without ever meeting them.
are there any good shows coming up in the portland area? i really want to go to a concert, but i guess i need money for that too. i haven't been to a concert in a while. i love going to shows. i just wish i was 21 so i could go to better shows or at least not have to be in the same section as the junior high kids and their parents. oh the atrocities of being 20.
am i too young to only be dating chris? too young to not be interested in anyone else? my parents seem to think so. they think i should date more people, but honestly there is no one i would rather spend my time with. there isn't anyone i would rather be dating. i don't see anything wrong with it. what does it matter as long as i'm happy? i'm not going to go get married or anything for a while, so they have nothing to worry about. chris is a nice guy, they should be happy for me. i hate it when they give me a bad time about him. who cares if he doesn't go to college? not everyone goes to college, and some of the richest people in the world never went to college. yeah, maybe he won't make as much money as i eventually will, but does it really matter as long as there is love and happiness? i don't think so. i'm happy, happier than i have been in a long time, so deal with it. my life isn't yours, it's mine. i'm old enough and intelligent enough and experienced enough to make my own decisions.
lreading: the best american non reguired reading, edited by dave eggers
listening to: "clark gable" the postal service
today is my only day off this week. i've been working so much lately, but i'm really going to appreciate in when i get my next pay check. i have nothing better to do with my time anyways since no one is around during the day besides my dog anyways.
i've been reading a lot lately too, which makes me happy. i love to read. i'm such a book worm. i just really enjoy the idea of escaping into a world where i can watch everything un-noticed. i can know someone without ever meeting them.
are there any good shows coming up in the portland area? i really want to go to a concert, but i guess i need money for that too. i haven't been to a concert in a while. i love going to shows. i just wish i was 21 so i could go to better shows or at least not have to be in the same section as the junior high kids and their parents. oh the atrocities of being 20.
am i too young to only be dating chris? too young to not be interested in anyone else? my parents seem to think so. they think i should date more people, but honestly there is no one i would rather spend my time with. there isn't anyone i would rather be dating. i don't see anything wrong with it. what does it matter as long as i'm happy? i'm not going to go get married or anything for a while, so they have nothing to worry about. chris is a nice guy, they should be happy for me. i hate it when they give me a bad time about him. who cares if he doesn't go to college? not everyone goes to college, and some of the richest people in the world never went to college. yeah, maybe he won't make as much money as i eventually will, but does it really matter as long as there is love and happiness? i don't think so. i'm happy, happier than i have been in a long time, so deal with it. my life isn't yours, it's mine. i'm old enough and intelligent enough and experienced enough to make my own decisions.
lreading: the best american non reguired reading, edited by dave eggers
listening to: "clark gable" the postal service

and don't worry about what people say about your dating...they always say stuff like that. sure, they're concerned and mean it out of love, but it's basically a fear of their own mortality (to oversimplfy). you dating seriously leads them down the path of; marriage, house, kids, etc... if you date a lot, no big chance of that path starting and things can remain the same. just be happy (like you are).
if you are in love screw what everyone else thinks.