wow, i've been really bad about updating my journal lately. i'm really sorry. i've been so so so busy with work and chris and sleep and everything. plus there are 6 people using this one computer, so it's hard to find time to get on when no one else is. once again i'm really sorry.
i've been working a lot lately. and i'm going to be working even more soon because my boss is training me to open the his lazy ass doesn't have to work that much more. i guess that's a good thing because i could really use the money right about now. i have to pay off at least part of my student loans this summer and save for when i'm going to great britain and have a little bit of money to go out and do stuff with.
speaking of SG account runs out on the 21st, and i'm not going to have any more money to pay for it, at least for a while. it sucks i know. but i will be back. i'm not sure if i will be back soon or not. but i will be back by the latest the middle of august. we'll see how long i can fend off my addiction and how fast i can get some money to be able to spend on this site. most likely i will be back soon though. i can never stay away from this place. you guys are all so great.
chris and i have been really great lately. he's finally out of his bad mood. he's just sick of work. but i think everyone is. we've been throwing pots lately. i haven't done it since high school, and i'm really enjoying it. chris is an amazing potter, i wish we could afford a kiln so he could fire some of his stuff and sell it.
well, i have to go to work now. i hope everyone has a good day.
question of the day: What does it mean to you to be creative?
i've been working a lot lately. and i'm going to be working even more soon because my boss is training me to open the his lazy ass doesn't have to work that much more. i guess that's a good thing because i could really use the money right about now. i have to pay off at least part of my student loans this summer and save for when i'm going to great britain and have a little bit of money to go out and do stuff with.
speaking of SG account runs out on the 21st, and i'm not going to have any more money to pay for it, at least for a while. it sucks i know. but i will be back. i'm not sure if i will be back soon or not. but i will be back by the latest the middle of august. we'll see how long i can fend off my addiction and how fast i can get some money to be able to spend on this site. most likely i will be back soon though. i can never stay away from this place. you guys are all so great.
chris and i have been really great lately. he's finally out of his bad mood. he's just sick of work. but i think everyone is. we've been throwing pots lately. i haven't done it since high school, and i'm really enjoying it. chris is an amazing potter, i wish we could afford a kiln so he could fire some of his stuff and sell it.
well, i have to go to work now. i hope everyone has a good day.
question of the day: What does it mean to you to be creative?

...and I hope you do return soon to will be missed
oh...and as for being creative...I've never really been "creative", at least not what I would consider create something new...mostly, I copy...when I draw something, I usually am putting something I see down on paper...when i write something, i'm usually telling about something that happened...rarely do I come up with something out of my imagination...something I'm "creative" in a sense...but not in the way I'd like to be
[Edited on Jun 19, 2003]
*going to sulk but first I have to say* cute mental images of you and chris and Ghosts.