love is an amazing thing. just when i think i can't possibly love chris any more i fall even more in love with him. this summer is going to be great, i can already tell. yesterday was great. chris and i went on a hike and then went fishing. man, i really suck at fishing. all i caught was a log and some dead plants. i'm such a dork. but i guess i'll get better the more i do it. i ran into some stinging nettles, and my arm still kind of burns. but it was totally worth it. what a great day.
i hate having days off on mondays, there's nothing to do. but i always appreciate my days off. i think i'll just relax today and hang out with my dog. maybe i'll paint my toenails....what color should i do?
i just tried that new tropical sprite remix. it's not too bad. i still like regular sprite better though.
i'm so excited. i heard that there is a new mario kart coming out for game cube. i can't wait. i love mario kart so much.
i'm totally babbling on because i can't think of anything to say. nothing too exciting is going on in my life right now.
lately i keep wondering what's happened to all the people i used to know. to all the people that i used to be close with. i think i wonder that whenever i come home. it's weird. i miss those people so much sometimes, even though i know they aren't the same people anymore and we could never have the same relationship as we used to. i especially wonder what's happened to all my old boyfriends. there is one that i miss the most. for so long he was my dream guy. he was so fucking funny and hot and just was great. we only went out for a few months, but we had a great relationship together. i'm completely happy with chris and everything, but he was such a great guy that i just wonder where he is and what he's doing. i'd just like to talk to him again you know. i always miss the people that i never see anymore. i miss the way things used to be.
listening to: "yellow" coldplay
reading: middlesex, by jeffery eugenides (it's a long book)
i hate having days off on mondays, there's nothing to do. but i always appreciate my days off. i think i'll just relax today and hang out with my dog. maybe i'll paint my toenails....what color should i do?
i just tried that new tropical sprite remix. it's not too bad. i still like regular sprite better though.
i'm so excited. i heard that there is a new mario kart coming out for game cube. i can't wait. i love mario kart so much.
i'm totally babbling on because i can't think of anything to say. nothing too exciting is going on in my life right now.
lately i keep wondering what's happened to all the people i used to know. to all the people that i used to be close with. i think i wonder that whenever i come home. it's weird. i miss those people so much sometimes, even though i know they aren't the same people anymore and we could never have the same relationship as we used to. i especially wonder what's happened to all my old boyfriends. there is one that i miss the most. for so long he was my dream guy. he was so fucking funny and hot and just was great. we only went out for a few months, but we had a great relationship together. i'm completely happy with chris and everything, but he was such a great guy that i just wonder where he is and what he's doing. i'd just like to talk to him again you know. i always miss the people that i never see anymore. i miss the way things used to be.
listening to: "yellow" coldplay
reading: middlesex, by jeffery eugenides (it's a long book)

My days off are Monday and Tuesday. It's sort of lame...
i suck at fishing to. when i wasn't a veggie head i used to get up at the crack of damn w/ my best friend and eat cold pizza for breakfast. then we would head down to dad's boat and sit and wait and sit and wait. we never caught anything