thanks for all the encouraging words about taking meds everybody. i really appreciate it.
has anyone ever taken lexapro? if you have, what side effects did you experience, and for how long? i started taking it on monday night, and so far i've been really tired but have a hard time falling alseep. my appetite is real weird too, like i haven't eaten that much and sometimes i'll feel starving, but when i start eating i'm like
food, gross. it's just kind of weird i guess, so i was wondering if people have tried this medication before if they experienced the same things.
other than taking meds things are pretty good at home. it makes me so happy to be able to see chris every day. and my best friend is in town so that makes it even better. not to mention the weather has been perfect lately. it's great.
my dad bought an '81 vanagon yesterday. it cracks me up/ i tried to explain to him that there is a big difference between a volkswagen bus and a vanagon, they're like two different species, but he didn't get it. he kept saying that when he fixes it up it will be a "sweet ride". my dad wishes he was still a hippy. but he's not, he's an elementary school prinicipal. he's so funny. my dad is such a dork.
well, i guess i should probably go to work now. have a good day everyone.
listening to: my dog sleeping
reading: middlesex, by jeffery eugenides
has anyone ever taken lexapro? if you have, what side effects did you experience, and for how long? i started taking it on monday night, and so far i've been really tired but have a hard time falling alseep. my appetite is real weird too, like i haven't eaten that much and sometimes i'll feel starving, but when i start eating i'm like

other than taking meds things are pretty good at home. it makes me so happy to be able to see chris every day. and my best friend is in town so that makes it even better. not to mention the weather has been perfect lately. it's great.
my dad bought an '81 vanagon yesterday. it cracks me up/ i tried to explain to him that there is a big difference between a volkswagen bus and a vanagon, they're like two different species, but he didn't get it. he kept saying that when he fixes it up it will be a "sweet ride". my dad wishes he was still a hippy. but he's not, he's an elementary school prinicipal. he's so funny. my dad is such a dork.
well, i guess i should probably go to work now. have a good day everyone.
listening to: my dog sleeping
reading: middlesex, by jeffery eugenides

tell me how they work...I'm actually not taking them...I'm doing fine...I get support most of the time...
i earned the nickname "momma chip", for having the bladder of a pregnant chipmunk.