i had the most amazing time at the beach ever. it was so great. i really wanted it never to end. i fell so much deeper in love with chris during the time we were constantly together too. we had the most perfect weather when we were there. it did pour and even hail, but whenever it did it would only last a few minutes and then it would be perfect and sunny again. it was amazing i tell you, amazing.
our hotel room had a king size bed (usually we cram into a twin!) and a fireplace, and a whirlpool bathtub, and a deck, and an oceanfront view. spectacular. it was so nice to fall asleep and wake up next to him two nights in a row.
in the middle of the first night i woke up and looked out the window. the tide was so high and erie looking that i pretended the pirates were coming back from the dead.
arrr matey, yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me. i am such a dork. please ignore that last paragraph.
we went to a whole bunch of art galleries when we were there. yesterday we watched this guy blow a glass vase. it was the coolest thing ever. we saw a lot of cool pottery and glass blowing and the most amazing paintings done on fused glass ever.
last night we had the shittiest waitress ever at dinner. it took her forever to do anything for us. i nicknamed her "damn sexy ass" because she was one of those girls that you can tell just by looking at them that think they are hot shit. she had these too tight pants on, you know, the kind that make some girls look like they have the start of an ass on the small of their back because the pants push all their fat up and out of their pants.
so anyways, she was struting around the restaurant and giving chris looks and he thought she was just a skank. so she was a damn sexy ass and gave us the worst service i've ever had in my life.
besides damn sexy ass it was such a great weekend, i don't think i could have had a better time. i had lots of sex, lots of love, lots of sleep, lots of exploring in nature, and lots of comfort. i needed all this so bad, it couldn't have come at a better time.
i hope everyone had a great weekend.
now it's time for me to go out for chinese food with my friends. i don't even want to think about homework.
reading: a book for my race and minority cultures in the u.s. class called "for whites only" about racism.
listening to: "new beginnings" finch
where did all my pics go?
our hotel room had a king size bed (usually we cram into a twin!) and a fireplace, and a whirlpool bathtub, and a deck, and an oceanfront view. spectacular. it was so nice to fall asleep and wake up next to him two nights in a row.
in the middle of the first night i woke up and looked out the window. the tide was so high and erie looking that i pretended the pirates were coming back from the dead.

we went to a whole bunch of art galleries when we were there. yesterday we watched this guy blow a glass vase. it was the coolest thing ever. we saw a lot of cool pottery and glass blowing and the most amazing paintings done on fused glass ever.
last night we had the shittiest waitress ever at dinner. it took her forever to do anything for us. i nicknamed her "damn sexy ass" because she was one of those girls that you can tell just by looking at them that think they are hot shit. she had these too tight pants on, you know, the kind that make some girls look like they have the start of an ass on the small of their back because the pants push all their fat up and out of their pants.

besides damn sexy ass it was such a great weekend, i don't think i could have had a better time. i had lots of sex, lots of love, lots of sleep, lots of exploring in nature, and lots of comfort. i needed all this so bad, it couldn't have come at a better time.
i hope everyone had a great weekend.
now it's time for me to go out for chinese food with my friends. i don't even want to think about homework.
reading: a book for my race and minority cultures in the u.s. class called "for whites only" about racism.
listening to: "new beginnings" finch


they server crashed and I guess any pic uploaded after a certain date was lost, but i am sure someone already told you that by now, I'ma little late.