it really bothers me when people put down things i say. for example. for my american lit class we read lovely bones, by alice sebold. well, i had also read lucky, by alice sebold. and the two books deal with very similar issues. so i shared what i knew about the book and how i thought the two books related to each other. sebold gives the same first name to the murderer in lovely bones as the man who raped her in lucky. i thought this was important and so i shared. well, this guy who sometimes acts all high and mighty was like "but that doesn't help any of us that haven't read lucky. i don't care if alice sebold was raped!" well excuse me dude, i was just trying to share some information that i found to be relevant, no need to pee your pants about it.
people just really piss me off sometimes.
i wish saved by the bell was still on all the time like it used to be. i remember coming home from school in junior high and high school and it would be only for like 2 straight hours on wgn "the super station". i miss those days, it was always great when you catched a really old episode with ms. bliss in it. i was always partial to the one where zack and kelly had their own special prom since kelly couldn't go for one reason or another.
i love zack morris
i added some more pictures last night, so you guys should check them out. please excuse my dorky ness. most of the pictures are from like a year ago because i don't have a digital camera and no one's really taken any pictures of me with my new short hair.
question of the day: What word describes what you are searching for?
my answer: comfort
reading: stupid research stuff about vietnam ( i have to write 4 lesson plans! ack!)
listening to: "there's no home for you here" the white stripes
people just really piss me off sometimes.
i wish saved by the bell was still on all the time like it used to be. i remember coming home from school in junior high and high school and it would be only for like 2 straight hours on wgn "the super station". i miss those days, it was always great when you catched a really old episode with ms. bliss in it. i was always partial to the one where zack and kelly had their own special prom since kelly couldn't go for one reason or another.
i love zack morris
i added some more pictures last night, so you guys should check them out. please excuse my dorky ness. most of the pictures are from like a year ago because i don't have a digital camera and no one's really taken any pictures of me with my new short hair.
question of the day: What word describes what you are searching for?
my answer: comfort
reading: stupid research stuff about vietnam ( i have to write 4 lesson plans! ack!)
listening to: "there's no home for you here" the white stripes

I loved coming home to 2 hours of Saved by the bell, it was the best.
I would say after Success/stability, it would definately be comfort or Happiness.
My answer: Accomplishment.
Now I'm going to look at the new pics.